Abdur Rahim Siahkarzadeh, CEO of Contemporary Visual Arts Development Institute, passed away

According to the visual arts reporter of Fars news agency, Abdul Rahim Siahkarzadeh, the CEO of the Contemporary Visual Arts Development Institute, died this morning on November 4.
He was the executive secretary of the 15th Fajr Visual Arts Festival and the 11th National Painting Biennial of Iran.
Abdur Rahim Siahkarzadeh was born in 1345 in Ahvaz. Siahkarzadeh, who was suffering from liver cancer, after being infected with Corona, his cancer became more common and in the last one month, this disease had worsened. He, who rarely went to work since the beginning of 1401, had also done the programs of the 29th Youth Visual Arts Festival.
Contemporary Visual Arts Development Institute; With an honorary membership of more than 15 thousand people, it is in charge of holding biennials and festivals, helping active and prominent artists to appear in the national and international arenas, and has active departments such as: secretariat of biennials and festivals, membership and insurance of artists, publications, treasure of works and … Is.
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