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Announcing the names of judges and candidates of Fajr Film Festival

Mojtaba Amini, the secretary of Fajr Film Festival, introduced the names of the judges and candidates of the festival.

Charso Press: Based on this, Parviz Sheikhtadi, Majid Esmaili, Ebrahim Hatamikia, Mahmoud Razavi, Masoud Naqashzadeh, Mohammad Reza Sharifinia, and Mohammad Taqi Fahimim were introduced as the judges of the festival.

Amini further announced the list of candidates for this period of the festival in the Soda section of Simorgh as follows.

Nominees for best stage design:

Mohsen Khoda Bakhsh for “Goli Room”
Aydin Zarif for “Bavarde Flowers”
Abbas Blondi for “Cinema Metropol”
Mohammad Reza Shojaei for “Number 10” and “Stranger”
Mohammadreza Mirzamohammadi for “Scented”

Nominee for best costume design:

Sara Samii for “Yadegarjunob”

Fatemeh Safari for “Goli Room”

Mohammad Reza Shojaei for “Gharib”

Abbas Blondi and Mehdi Gouchani for “Cinema Metro Pol”

Aram Mousavi for “Vabul”

Field Special Effects Candidate:

Mohsen Rozbahani for “Goli Room”
Mohsen Rozbahani for “Metropole Cinema”
Iman Kermian for “Bavardeh Flowers”
Hamid Rasoulian for “Gharib”
Mohammad Reza Turkman for “Number 10”

Nominees for Best Makeup:

Omid Golzadeh for “They Loved Me”

Shahram Khalaj for the films “Goli Room”, “Gharib” and “Number 10”

Mona Jafari for “Memorial of the South”

Abdullah Eskandari for “Vabul”

Nominees for best editing:

Imad Khodabakhsh “Leather Coat”

Hassan Ayubi for “Smart Kid”

Maysham Moulai for “Why don’t you cry?” and “Gloe Room”

Hamid Bashagar is an artist for “Cinema Metropol”

Poyan Shalevar for “Memorial of the South”

Mesate Mohajer for “Vabul”

Nominees for best cinematography:

Farshad Mohammadi for “Goli Room”

Alireza Zarindast for “Cinema Metropol”

Arman Fayaz for “Leather Coat”

Rozbe Raiga for “fragrant”

Hasan Pouya for “Number 10”

Milad Parto for “Yadegarjunob”

Nominees for Best Soundtrack:

Amir Tavasli for “Smart Kid”

Masoud Sakhawa Dost for “Ataralod” and “No. 10”

The message of freedom for “Heft Bahar Naranj”

Karen Homayunfer for “Sima’s Unfinished Narrative”

Behzad Abdi for “Colonel Soraya”

Best Sound Nominees:

Bahman Ardalan (sound engineer) and (sound engineer) for “Goli Room”

Hossein Abolsadegh (vocalist) for “Smart Kid”

Masih Hadpour Siraj (voiceover) Mehdi Javaherzadeh (voiceover) for “In the embrace of the tree”

Abbas Rostgarpour (sound operator) and Hossein Abolsadegh sound engineer for “Cinema Metropol”

Farrokh Fadaei, sound operator and Arash Ghasemi, sound operator for “Number 10”

Amir Nobukht, sound operator and Alireza Alavian, sound operator for “Yadegar South”

Villains for the best screenplay:

Ali Ramadan for the movie “Smart Kid”

Babak Khaje Pasha for “In the embrace of the tree”

Hamid Zargranjad for “Number 10”

Masoud Hashminejad for “Leather Coat”

Mohammad Ali and Hamed Bashe Ahangar for “Cinema Metropol”

Pedram Pouramiri and Hossein Domari for “Memorial of the South”

Nominees for Best Actress:

Maral Bani Adam for “In the embrace of the tree”

Hoda Zainul Abidin for “Perfumed”

Jale Samati for “Colonel Soraya”

Sara Bahrami for “Orange Forest”

Noushin Masoudian for “Cinema Metropol”

Pourabdini Campus for the movie “Gharib”

Best supporting actress nominees:

Pesiani Star for “Leather Coat”

Theory preview for “Cinema Metropol”

Panthea Panahi for “after leaving”

Sara Hatami for “Leather Coat”

Ghazal Shakri for “Sima’s Unfinished Narrative”

Sahar Dolatshahi for “Memorial of the South”

Timurian’s dream for “Leather Coat”

Nominees for Best Actor:

Majid Salehi for “Number 10”

Toraj Elvand for “Gloe Room”

Mustafa Zamani for “Perfumed”

Mirsaid Molovian for “Orange Forest”

Ali Nasiryan for “Seven Orange Spring”

Javad Ezzati for “Leather Coat”

Vahid Rahbani for “Yadgar South”

Nominees for Best Supporting Actor:

Mehran Ahmadi for the movie “Alien”

Homan Electrician for the movie “Metropole Cinema”

Amir Jafari for the movie “They Loved Me”

Pejman Jamshidi for the movie “Memorial of the South”

Sajjad Babaei for the movie “Master”

Farhad Qahemian for the movie “Gharib”

Ruhollah Samani for the movie “In the Embrace of the Tree”

Best Director nominees:

Mohammad Ali Bashe is an artist for “Cinema Metropol”

Hossein Mirzamohammadi for “Leather Coat”

Mohammad Asgari for “Goli Room”

Hadi Mohammadian, Behnoud Nekoui and Mohammad Javad Jannati for “Zarang Kid”

Babak Khaje Pasha for “In the embrace of the tree”

Hamid Zargranjad for “Number 10”

Mohammad Hossein Latifi for “Gharib”

Nominees for the best film:

“Smart kid” produced by Hamed Jafari

“Number 10” produced by Ebrahim Asghari

“In the embrace of the tree” produced by Mohammad Reza Misbah

“Metropole Cinema” produced by Seyed Hamed Hosseini

“Flower Room” produced by Daoud Sabouri

“Leather Coat” produced by Kamran Hejazi

“Yadgar South” produced by Mojtaba Rashoond

Nominees for the best first film (first director):

“Orange Forest” directed by Arman Khansarian

“After leaving” directed by Reza Nejati

“Colonel Soraya” directed by Lili Aaj

“Leather Coat” directed by Hossein Mirzamohammadi

“In the embrace of the tree” directed by Babak Khajeh Pasha

“Goli Room” directed by Mohammad Asgari

Short film category nominees:

Mohammad Soraya, producer and director of “Brno”

Mohammadreza Moradi, producer and director of “Colorful”

Nilofar Zivardar (producer), Vahid Nami, Navid Nami, director of “Mirizkhaneh Central”

Mohammad Javad Mohammad (Producer) Mohammad Paydar (Director) “Mushbeh Soft Drink”

Candidates for the documentary section:

Seyed Mustafa Mousavi Tabar (producer) Zohra Najafzadeh (director) for 6410 days of captivity

Farshad Afshinpour (producer and director) “Wild World of Zagros”

Masoud Zareian (producer and director) for “non-residential”

Candidates for promotional items in the poster section:

Mohammad Ruhol Amini for the poster design of the movie “Biro”

Mohammad Mohadnia for designing the poster of the movie “Talakhoon”

Meysham Mirzaei for the poster design of the movie “Loser Man”

Teaser section:

Amin Salmani for making the teaser of the movie “Silent Snail”

Kyomerth Backzand to make the teaser of the movie “TT”

Omid Mirzaei to make the teaser of the movie “Amphibia”

Everything we know about 24 “Sudai Simorgh” movies

Read more: Special page of Fajr Film Festival

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