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Cultural managers should be bolder than this

News ID: 46643 Publication date: 11 January 1401 13:12 Number of views 0 | Posted by:

The director of “Raz Mina” said: Cultural managers should be more daring and behave more courageously so that filmmakers start producing based on the past and present events of the society and get out of this passive everyday life.

Charso Press: Cinema director Abbas Rafei said about the need for cultural and media institutions to pay attention to the drawing of historical facts and events for future generations and the shortcoming in the field of media, promotion and drawing of facts: Sometimes a film, novel and dramatic literature has an impact on the audience, which is derived from the events. be society If the audience cannot identify with the content of the work, they will never believe it, and this will cause the audience to drop in the cinema.
Referring to the way works are made in Western cinema, Rafei said: the fact is that their productions are often derived from the inflamed state of the society, and that is why they are noticed by the audience.
The director of “Raz Mina” and “Alchemy and Soil” while recalling the popularity of movies four decades ago said: When Iranian filmmakers produced a movie about the topic of sacred defense, works like “The Lookout”, “Eagles” and… they had an influence on different spectrums of the society. This impact was due to the correct payment and depiction of the facts that happened, but unfortunately, cultural officials and managers today prefer to be conservative.
He further stated about today’s movie productions: Most of today’s movies do not have the color and flavor of the past, and filmmakers sometimes go towards thematic vulgarity. The practice of producing these films in the last decade is a result of the circumstances that may have come from the lack of cultural and cinema directors. Managers who sometimes did not have a correct understanding of the role of cinema in explaining cultural issues.
The director of “Songs of My Land”, “The Traveled Way” and “The Sun Shines Equally on All” said: cultural managers should be able to distinguish good films from bad films and not be strangers to Iranian cinema productions. They should be bolder and act more bravely so that filmmakers can start producing based on the past and present events of the society and get out of this passive everyday life. Certainly, the works that are produced in this space can cause the cinema box office to become rich again, and if this happens, Iranian cinema will once again reach its peak.


  • the writer :
  • Source: Saba news agency