Sahin has decreased / What is the price of Sahin Safar on the first day of autumn? + Price table

By reading the table below, you will get complete information about the daily price of Shahin cars.
brand | Model | Function | price (tomans) |
Shahin, G | 1402 | Zero | 599,000,000 |
Shahin, G | 402 | Zero | 545,000,000 |
Shahin, G | 1402 | Zero | 605,000,000 |
Shahin, G | 1401 | Zero | 598,000,000 |
Shahin, G | 1402 | Zero | 588,000,000 |
Shahin, G | 1401 | Zero | 560,000,000 |
Shahin, G | 1401 | Zero | 542,000,000 |
Source: Bama |