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What are the benefits and side effects of Asentra tablets?

Asentra is one of the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that can restore the serotonin balance in the brain to normal. Unfortunately, in global statistics, our country is considered one of the most depressed countries in the world. So many of us are quite familiar with the name Asentra pills. In addition to the amazing benefits of this pill in the treatment of depression and other mental disorders, this drug also has side effects. In this article, we will introduce you to everything you need to know about Asentra tablets.

What we read in this article

What is Asentra pill and what is its use?

Asentra tablets can be used to treat depression, control panic attacks, improve obsessive-compulsive disorder, treat post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as social anxiety disorder or phobias. It is also used to reduce the symptoms of PMS. Asentra is actually sertraline, which inhibits serotonin reuptake and keeps the amount of this natural substance in the brain normal. Asentra is usually given in either 50 or 100 doses. The dose of this drug is determined based on the severity of the disease and the rate of response to treatment. This medicine should never be used without a doctor’s prescription.

Benefits of Asentra Pills

If you are looking for pills to reduce stress or treat depression, Asentra is one of the best that your doctor will probably prescribe for you. This drug has the following benefits:

  • Improves mood and sleep.
  • Restores appetite and energy levels to normal.
  • Reduces the number of panic attacks.
  • Reduces fear, anxiety and unwanted thoughts.
  • Reduces obsessive-compulsive disorder. Therefore, problems such as the number of times you wash your hands or check your daily routine are reduced.

The pill may also be prescribed to treat premature ejaculation.

How to take Asentra tablets

As mentioned, Asentra is available in 2 doses of 50 and 100 mg. This medicine should be used once in the morning or evening. Sometimes treatment is started at a dose of 50 mg and then gradually increased if the response is not appropriate. The maximum daily dose of Asentra is 200 mg. In some cases, a dose of 25 mg may be prescribed, for example, to treat panic attacks.

If you forget to take Asentra once, you should use it as soon as you remember. If the next dose is near, do not take the missed dose. That means do not use both pills at the same time. You can take this pill with or without food.

How long does it take for Asentra to take effect?

You should wait at least 10 days to see the first signs of effectiveness of this drug. It usually takes several months for the symptoms to fully heal. Therefore, after starting to take this pill, you should not immediately decide whether it is effective or ineffective. Note that discontinuation of this drug should be done gradually and not all at once.

Side effects of Asentra tablets

Severe dizziness and fainting are the most important symptoms of Asentra overdose. Symptoms such as diarrhea, diarrhea, vomiting, hallucinations, muscle imbalance, and confusion may also occur. If respiratory disorders are observed after overdose of Asentra, the emergency department should be contacted immediately. Note that these side effects often only occur when the pill is used in excess of the prescribed dose.

What is Asentra drug interaction?

Drug interactions will change the way drugs work and increase the risk of serious side effects. The most important medications that may interact with Asentra tablets include the following:

  • پیموزاید
  • Antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel
  • Ibuprofen / naproxen
  • Blood thinners such as warfarin
  • Antihistamines
  • Alprazolam, diazepam and zolpidem
  • Sleeping pills
  • Analgesics or cough medicines
  • Aspirin

In general, we recommend that you inform your doctor about all your medications before taking Asentra to prevent drug interactions.

Asentra tablets

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Asentra Warning

Before using this medicine, pay attention to the following:

  • If you have allergies or are allergic to latex, for example, tell your doctor before taking this pill.
  • Talk to your doctor about your medical history before you start taking this medicine. Especially if you have bipolar disorder, liver disease, heart problems, seizure disorder, thyroid disease and more.
  • Tell your doctor if you notice a change in your heart rhythm after taking this medicine.
  • As this medication may cause dizziness and drowsiness, avoid activities that require full alertness, such as driving, while taking it.
  • This drug should be strictly avoided at the same time as alcoholic beverages.
  • Older people may be more sensitive to the side effects of Asentra tablets than others.
  • It may cause weight loss and loss of appetite if prescribed for children. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly check the child’s weight and height.
  • Sertraline or Asentra should only be used during pregnancy if needed as it may harm the fetus.
  • If you are planning to become pregnant and your doctor has prescribed this medicine for you, you should inform her.
  • As this medicine enters breast milk, you are only allowed to take it during breastfeeding with a doctor’s prescription.

Herbal medicines replace Asentra

If depression is severe, it must be treated with medication prescribed by your doctor. But if the depression is mild, sometimes you can take effective steps to improve yourself with the help of herbal medicines available in pharmacies that do not even require a doctor’s prescription. Here are some examples of these drugs:

Medina Pharma Linormia Capsules

Ashwagandha root extract in Medina Pharma Linormia capsule turns it into an anti-depressant and anti-stress herbal medicine. This capsule can be used to strengthen memory, increase concentration, increase energy levels and physical strength. Taking this capsule also helps to improve sexual function in men and women. Take 2 capsules twice a day, preferably with food, to show their therapeutic effects.

Linorma capsule

Buy Linorma Pills

Capsule Valrid Hakim Tejarat Sahand

Hourglass and valerian have been used in Sahand Tejarat Sahand Walrid Capsule. It helps reduce anxiety and stress, is sedative, and improves sleep quality. You should take 1 of these capsules daily with food. If your goal is to improve sleep, eat it half an hour before bed. If you want to continue taking it for more than 1 month, you should consult your doctor.

Buy Valrid

Valrid - an alternative to Asentra tablets

Relax Herb Herbal Capsules

As a medicine that has a sedative effect and you can buy it without a doctor’s prescription, you can use the relaxa herb beta drug capsule. This capsule reduces stress and is also effective in improving sleep. 1 or 2 capsules daily with food should be used. To improve insomnia, you need to take it half an hour before bedtime. The dried extract of the hourglass plant is an effective compound in this product. This capsule is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Relax herb

Buy Rex Herb herbs

The final word

We have included in this article everything that seemed important about Asentra tablets. This pill is one of the most popular medications used to treat depression more than anything else. Of course, there are other benefits that were also mentioned. If your depression is mild, it may be a good idea to get help from herbal remedies. Here are some examples of these drugs that you can buy all from the positive online green pharmacy.

Answer your questions about Asentra tablets

What is the price of foreign Asentra 50 tablets?

Unfortunately, this pill is very rare at the moment and therefore the exact price for it can not be considered and stated. But you can easily find Iranian Asentra in pharmacies.

Do Asentra tablets have side effects?

Along with its benefits, each drug may have side effects. But when it is prescribed by a doctor, you should follow the doctor’s instructions because its benefits have definitely outweighed its harms. Asentra tablets can have side effects, many of which go away after a while. However, never increase the dose of the drug arbitrarily to avoid side effects.

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