Honoring and introducing the editor-in-chief of the young newspaper | Ganji: My presence in the “Young Newspaper” was a proud period of my life / Brotherhood: Today we are suffering from a discourse vacuum

According to the Fars News Agency media correspondent, the ceremony honoring Abdullah Ganji, the editor-in-chief of the young newspaper, and introducing Mohammad Javad Akhavan was held in the Fars News Agency assembly hall.
According to the report, Sepehr Khalaji, Public Relations Manager of the Supreme Leader’s Office, Abdullah Zeighami, Deputy Head of the Media Front of the Islamic Revolution, Sardar Azadi, Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Basij Mostazafin Organization, Abdullah Ganji, former Editor-in-Chief of Javan newspaper and Mohammad Javad Akhavan, current Editor-in-Chief Young newspapers were present.
Sepehr Khalaji, Public Relations Manager of the Supreme Leader’s Office, stated at the beginning of his speech: “The young newspaper was an influential newspaper on the Revolutionary Front during Mr. Ganji’s term and played a good role in enlightenment. Hit. Mr. Ganji has a good pen and wrote effective notes. I remember at the same time, his notes were praised in two stages for their approach to various topics.
He added: “In these few years, we knew him as an influential force on the Revolutionary Front, and in his work related to us, we used his advice, which was also helpful, and I hope they will be a source of blessings in their new responsibilities.”
Khalaji also stated: “It is natural that the position that Dr. Ganji goes to is more in terms of scope and volume of work than the young newspaper, and we hope that in the new collection, they can be a source of hope like the young newspaper.”
“The media is involved in a perceptual war,” he said, adding that a perceptual war is one of the tools of the media war. The question is, what happens to what management perceives? Borjam, for example, has been going on for several years, and their approach to the negotiating team is quite comparable to the situation that the current negotiating team had in a negotiated meeting. The image they show us is the failure of the negotiating team and they want to leave it at that. Now we may be weak in the work of the media.
Khalaji added: “Our scene is a scene of public opinion war and we must be able to organize public opinion as we want.” In perceptual warfare, the goal is to defeat the opponent. Cognitive warfare is a war with infinite scenarios, and when we realize that we no longer have the courage to do anything. The difference is that we do not feel war. I said this, understand what war we are in and we must get out of this war with the help of friends.
Following the ceremony, Mojtaba Sarmadi, Public Relations Manager of Javan Newspaper, read the editorial statement of Javan Newspaper to the audience.
“We all know that the arena is the arena of the media and what the enemy portrays in the media space does not correspond to reality,” said Abdullah Zeighami, the deputy head of the media front of the Islamic Revolution. We all know that one of the definitive strategies of the enemy is based on this, which it may have relied on for many years, and that is to be able to manage the minds of the people through the media.
He continued: “The understood enemy can not fully implement its action against this nation and country with any scenario and wants to manage thoughts through the media.” Today, the biggest wars do not go ahead and are not fought until they enrich public opinion. This is what happened in the case of Syria, they held about four intensive meetings, and the Americans accepted, and they could not do this public enrichment, and they could not take a step forward.
The deputy of the media front of the Islamic Revolution continued: The media of the Revolutionary Front, our meager resources in the face of the enemy’s masses, carried out with firm faith, intelligence and timely action against the media war, and we see that the media front is the field Has taken in his hand. One of the collections that was very accurate and smart in this regard was the young newspaper under the management of Mr. Ganji. He is an educated and intelligent person in the field of media, and we should appreciate their management, and Al-Haq and Al-Ansaf are our masters, and we appreciate their presence in the media, and we hope that they will be successful wherever they are. We are glad that Mr. Ganji did not leave us and Mr. Akhavan joined us.
“Sardar Azadi”, the Basij Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts, continued the ceremony: “The role of the media today is irreplaceable in shaping public opinion and strengthening the cultural sphere of the revolution and propaganda confrontation with the enemy media war.” The media is futuristic and plays a very effective role in the context of life. During Dr. Ganji’s administration, the Young Newspaper collection took a step in this direction and was a good platform for the Revolutionary Front and its media, and was able to play its role well in the field of news, analysis and narration. You know very well that what is expected of the media today is not just news, although the first news is very important, but news analysis is more important than news transmission.
He continued: “Narration is important and one can have a good narrative that is in the context of the events of the developments, and this has made the media of the Revolutionary Front today that have a jihadist motivation and spirit.” The young newspaper also took a step in this direction under the management of Mr. Ganji. This newspaper has been active in various fields of the Islamic Revolution, the resistance of the holy defense, and more recently in the social and lifestyle spheres and the reflection of what is happening in the context of society, and I believe it was a good thing and I hope it will be strengthened day by day.
Sardar Azadi also added: “Today, the media should be the voice of the people and the defender of the values of the Islamic Revolution, and it should be a link between the people and the officials.” Especially in the new era, when the revolutionary government comes to power, our task is heavy so that we can serve the people more than before, and the media has a mission that it must fulfill.
He thanked Ganji for his efforts and added: “I thank Mr. Ganji for his efforts in working in this stronghold and carrying out good transformational actions that, in addition to their role in the media, were also effective on the revolutionary front.” He also has a strong understanding of analysis and knowledge, and we asked them to continue their cooperation with the newspaper and to be able to use their presence as a member of the board.
“Abdullah Ganji,” the former editor-in-chief of the young newspaper, also welcomed the colleagues who attended the ceremony and said: “What I want to say is not a report, but the work of a journalist is on stage and he does not want a report.” But what I have to say here is that we had a hard time in the young newspaper, and everyone knows that. We harassed some more so that, God willing, they would make us lawful.
He continued: I came with Rouhani and I am leaving with Rouhani. We were surrounded by subsidies, advertisements
And I have two or three handwritings from Rouhani who said that the young newspaper should be dealt with! Also, Mr. Khodadi, the press deputy of the Ministry of Guidance, tried for a year to return us to the previous situation, and a week before the end of his work, he called me and said that the problem had been solved.
Ganji continued: “Today, I believe that the young newspaper is seen and mostly seen by the enemies, even more than our friends and 38% of English speakers outside Iran are from our audience and they consider us as a reference.” I have always believed that the young newspaper is one of the strongholds of the revolution. I became rich after 38 years of working in management.
He also continued: “We did not have a margin in these eight years and the young newspaper was not involved in the margin and the only thing I was ashamed of doing was in the area of livelihood of the newspaper staff, which was not really made of me.”
Referring to the characteristics of Mr. Akhavan, the former managing director of the young newspaper also said: “Mr. Akhavan is the director of the board of directors of Payam Avaran Company and was a member of the group from which he was selected.” I first saw Mr. Akhavan in 1983, who was a student at Khajeh Nasir University and a political official for the Basij. He went from the technical field to the humanities and after the sedition of 1988, he pitched a tent in his house and started writing books and wrote several volumes of books. When I came to the young newspaper, I felt that their pen was empty here and I wanted to add him to the political think tank of the newspaper, and we used their pen for years.
He added: “Mr. Akhavan is a current scholar in the true sense of the word and his father is a cleric who was martyred in the Mena incident and has a reliable personality and relies on the Imam and leadership in religious matters and is one of the assets of the revolution.” I also do everything I can for my young friends and I am not far from these friends from this moment. This is a stronghold where I am also present to serve.
Ganji continued: My departure from the young newspaper had nothing to do with my going to the Hamshahri newspaper. I have been pursuing my resignation since February of last year, and finally my resignation was agreed in August. At that time, there was no news of going to Hamshahri because Mr. Zakani became the mayor of Tehran after my decision.
In the end, he said: “I ask all my colleagues for permission, whether it is the technical friends of the editorial office, the printing house and even the guards of the newspaper, etc. I really enjoyed when a reporter insisted on changing the headline or article because I understood what Believes the writing. The value of the pen is believed in it, and one of the proudest periods of my life, in addition to serving on the front and as a student, was working with a young newspaper.
“Mohammad Javad Akhavan,” the current managing director of the young newspaper, said in a speech: “Mr. Ganji took charge of the young newspaper at a certain period, and some of the events that happened, both positive and negative, were few in the history of the Islamic Revolution.” Mr. Ganji had a unique pen. After him, the expectations from the young newspaper and their articles are very high, and the Revolutionary Front still benefits from Mr. Ganji’s editorials, and we would like him to remain in the young newspaper, but maybe they themselves have another interest.
He continued: “Today’s expectations of newspapers are different from the past, and this is the difficulty of our work.” The field of media has a wide connection with the subject of technology, and we do not have any social field as much as the media in which the acceleration of technology changes. At a time when traditional media, especially print media, are facing fundamental challenges, and the question arises as to what the future of print media will be in the age of cyberspace, the most important strength of print media is its depth.
The Brotherhood continued: The situation we are facing today in the country has faced us with a special responsibility in this field. From the second decade of the revolution, sub-discourses came and tried to dominate the society, and today we are suffering from a discourse vacuum, and what better source than the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution? The Islamic Revolution has entered its 50s, and we must all enter our second step, and the youth and the media must enter their second step. In this regard, we need the efforts of the members of the media of the Revolutionary Front, especially my dear friends in the young newspaper, from Mr. Sadeghian, the editor, to our other dear colleagues. And try to improve the weaknesses. The media is a collective work and I extend my helping hand to you.
At the end of the farewell and introduction ceremony, a gift was presented to Abdullah Ganji by the young family.
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