Identification of 33,000 unsafe buildings in Tehran

According to the Fars News Agency’s urban group, a specialized meeting of the Crisis Management Organization’s warning working group was held at the Tehran Crisis Management Command Center with the aim of examining issues related to prevention and risk reduction and the role of the judiciary in helping to properly implement risk reduction plans.
Mohammad Hassan Nami, head of the Crisis Management Organization, pointed out the problems in dealing with natural disasters in the country and stressed the importance of paying attention to preventive plans to reduce the damage caused by the crisis and reminded: Every organization should have its own crisis management unit. And crisis-related indicators should be regularly evaluated in assessing critical issues.
Referring to the importance of the role of the judiciary in overseeing the proper implementation of crisis management programs, Nami said that the existing law should be reviewed and its weaknesses addressed. The presence of the judiciary can also help improve the quality of work.
In the continuation of this meeting, “Asghar Jahangir”, the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs and Crime Prevention of the Judiciary, also examined the position of the warning working group and said: “First, it must be seen what role this working group is going to play.” Take over the execution work.
He pointed out that the current situation is such that, according to the priorities, the budget related to prevention is spent on other issues, adding: “In the field of system, preventive work is a long-term work and its implementation requires a large cost, in Conclusion We close our eyes to this aspect of the subject and turn to examples.
“As a result, if we want this working group to be successful, we must first know what our problems are in different areas and what our priorities are, and as a result, different organizations must determine their position based on those priorities,” he said.
“In crisis management, we have to be risk-averse and courageous,” he concluded.
Also in this meeting, Ali Nasiri, the head of the Crisis Prevention and Management Organization of Tehran, pointed out that our approach to dealing with crises has been a response-oriented and confrontation-oriented approach, and stressed the need to pay attention to a preventive view. But the crisis is not a natural one and can be prevented by taking the right approach.
Stating that the preventive approach is a new approach that will cause a change in the crisis management system, he stressed the importance of the role of the judiciary in this area and expressed hope that holding this meeting will lead to useful measures and joint cooperation and synergy between organizations. .
In the continuation of this proud meeting, the Deputy Chairman of the Crisis Management Organization, while presenting a report on the activities carried out in the framework of this working group, mentioned the formation of specialized working groups at the level of Tehran Crisis Management Headquarters as a successful example in this field. Holding an air relief exercise in Tehran, he said: “This exercise had good lessons, because if a crisis such as an earthquake occurs in Tehran, ground relief will be difficult and air relief must be sought.”
Mehdi Davari, CEO of the Fire Department, mentioned public disregard for safety as one of the main problems in the field of prevention and added: “We have identified 33,000 buildings in Tehran so far, which are in different proportions and for different surface reasons.” They are insecure and need intervention.
He said: “Out of these 33,000 buildings, 360 buildings need severe intervention and 123 buildings are in a similar situation to the Plasco building.”
He continued: “It is necessary to develop a precise mechanism because safety components are vulnerable and its indicators in a building must be constantly monitored.”
Following the meeting, representatives of the judiciary as well as representatives of relief organizations each presented their views on the issue of prevention and the role of this working group in this regard.
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