فرهنگی و هنریرادیو و تلویزیون

National Survey of Iranian Cinematic Taste The Capital of the Most Popular Iranian Series / Director and Hatami Kia Most Popular Directors

Fars News Agency – Radio and Television Group: According to the details published in the report of the Research Institute of Culture, Arts and Communications, which is available in connection with the results of the National Survey of Iranian Cinematic Taste, domestically produced television works have been among the most viewed works of this survey. The results of this report show that the collections of Paytakht made by Sirus Moghadam, Dudokesh directed by Borzoo Niknejad (the third chapter of which was broadcast for the first time during the survey) and Yousef Payambar by the late Anjou Popular series have been selected. Most of the series on this list have been rebroadcast at the time of the survey.

TitlePercentage of viewersPercentage of the total sample population
Prophet Joseph4.32.9
safe house42.7
Wound work3.62.4
نون خ3.42.3

Also, the respondents of this survey are Mehran Modiri, Sirous Moghaddam, Ebrahim Hatami Kia, Reza Attaran, Asghar Farhadi and Mehdi Fakhimzadeh as the beloved Iranian directors. About one-fifth of the respondents also stated that they do not have much information and knowledge in this field and do not know the director. مقایســه یافته‌هــای پرســش‌های مربــوط بــه بهتریــن فیلم‌هــای پاســخگویان و کارگردانــان محبــوب آنهــا دال بــر ایــن واقعیــت اســت کــه در برخــی مــوارد فیلم‌هــای یــک کارگــردان بــه علــل مختلــف بــرای مخاطبــان واجــد جذابیت‌هایــی بــوده اســت، بــدون آنکــه نــام کارگــردان مطــرح باشــد.فیلم‌هــای ســعید روســتایی در ایـن پیمایـش مصـداق بـارز ایـن Condition. But well-known directors are close to public opinion for reasons other than their own. For example, Asghar Farhadi was present at the festival at the same time as his performance due to the screening of the film “Hero”, and some of his comments were widely available in the media on the sidelines of the festival. Mehran Modiri’s name is also unknown to the audience, mainly due to the telecommuting program.

DirectorPercentage of the total populationPercentage of the total sample population
Mehran Modiri9.36.9
Ebrahim Hatami Kia7.94.7
Sirus Moghaddam6.34,6
Reza Attaran4.23.1
Asghar Farhadi4.13.1
Mehdi Fakhimzadeh4.13.1
Massoud Deh Namaki3.52.6
فرج الله سلحشور32.2
داود میرباقری2.41.8

In another part of the survey, which asked the respondents about the billion-dollar salaries of the artists, according to the findings of the survey, 30.4% of the respondents were against the payment of the billion-dollar salaries to the artists. In contrast, 21.6 percent of the billion-dollar salaries of actors are considered flawless. 27.6% also stated that the billion-dollar salaries of some artists are not a problem, but they did not give such a right to all artists.

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