فرهنگی و هنریرادیو و تلویزیونرادیو و تلویزیونفرهنگی و هنری

Ravi Deliran Tungstan passed away Fars news

According to Fars News Agency, Hoshang Latifpour passed away on Monday evening, December 26th. He lived abroad (Canada) for many years and will be buried there.

Latifpour started dubbing and dubbing management in 1332 with the film “Shanel”. In 1337, with the participation of Farrokhzad, he founded the dubbing studio “Shadow”, which was active until 1340. A large number of prominent speakers in the dubbing field such as Parviz Bahram, Jaleh Kazemi, Fahima Rastkar and Zohra Shokofande started their career with Hoshang Latifpour or reached the peak of their career in his works. Also, Manouchehr Nowzari was invited to dubbing for the first time through him and introduced to Iraj Dostdar for dubbing training.

Some of his memorable works are voiceovers in documentary films (The Secret of Baqa), the movie “Old Man and the Sea” (narrator), the series “Dai John Napoleon” and “Diliran Tungstan” (narrator), as well as the animated series “James the Cat”.

He went to England and then Canada in 1365, returned to Iran for a while and then traveled to Canada again.

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