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“Rotation” on stage

The play “Profitability: Rotation”, written and directed by Amir Picak, will be staged on October 9th.

Theater News Base: The collection of profitable plays consists of three parts, the first part of which, called “Rotation”, will be performed for 17 nights from October 9 at the Hilaj Theater, and ticket pre-sale has started in its early days.

The summary of the story of the first part is as follows:

“Journey to the depths of all the oceans

Go through all the galaxies

Look at the core of the sun

Even dangerous black holes

That light warns him

I entered and passed

And shame on you when I reach you

“Seeing all the worlds in the pupil of your eye.”

The executive team of this show is as follows:

Writer, Designer and Director: Amir Picak, Actors: Mohammad Reza Behzadi Rad, Seyed Sadra Sobhanian, Consultant Director: Aslan Ghavanloo, Assistant Director and Programmer: Parisa Hosseinzadeh, Stage Designer: Amir Peykak, Ali Latifi, Music Editor and Voice Recorder: Arash Shoaib , Light design: Amir Picak, Ali Latifi, Photographer: Hiva Safari, Payam Ahmadi Kashani, Poster design: Ali Latifi, Investor: Amir Rasekh, Public Relations: Payam Ahmadi Kashani, Project manager: Hilaj Art Institute.

Advance ticket sales for this show will be done through the Tiwal website.

This play will be staged on October 9, at 6 pm in Hilaj Theater at 22 Karim Khan Zand St., Iranshahr St., Ostad Hamid Samandarian Alley.

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