According to Tejarat News, although some sources close to the competition council said that the supply of cars in the commodity exchange will continue with special notes, but in the new instructions, no name of the exchange is visible. It seems that the Competition Council has been able to continue the monopoly in the supply of cars by changing the opinion of the Ministry of Privacy.
New conditions for buying a car
According to the competition council’s instructions, the applicants to buy Khordu should have the following conditions:
1. The minimum age of applicants to buy a car should be 18 years.
2. Having a driver’s license is mandatory for applicants to buy a car.
3. Applicants who have issued car invoices with Iran Khodro and Saipa companies in the last 48 months, or issued car invoices with other companies in the last 24 months, are not allowed to register and buy cars.
4. Applicants who have an active license plate cannot register and buy a car.
5. It is forbidden to transfer points and rights resulting from the purchase of a car to third parties (even by proxy) and also to sell the car remittance by proxy.
6. There is no possibility of peace in the contract.
7. The car supplier is obliged to adopt and implement preventive methods to prevent the transfer of the document for at least one year, including mortgaging the car document.
8. It is not possible to register and buy a car for legal entities.
9. An amount of the selling price of the car must be available in the buyer’s account, which varies based on the type of sales plan:
A- In urgent or extraordinary sale methods, 50% of the car sale amount (based on the sale announcement circular) must be in the applicant’s bank account, and TOPS cannot withdraw that amount from the car purchase.
B- In the pre-sale method, up to 50% of the amount of the car sale is equal to the amount of the advance payment (and based on the sale announcement circular, which according to the note of Article 4) of the Executive Regulations of the Car Consumer Protection Law approved by the Council of Ministers in 2015 Yes, it must be in the applicant’s bank account and TOPS cannot withdraw that amount from the purchase of a car.
Note: If the market situation improves from the point of view of supply and demand, upon the proposal of the Automobile Working Group and the approval of the Competition Council, the above restrictions and conditions can be adjusted and revised according to the car model and the company.
Confusion of car applicants in the dual exchange and competition council
The decision of the Competition Council regarding car sales has been announced while several circulars and resolutions have been issued by various institutions regarding the car market! Criticizing this manual, Jamaran wrote: This resolution has led to more and more confusion among citizens and car applicants because it is not clear whether the decision of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Privacy will be implemented in the market or the opinion of the Competition Council?!
This strange resolution has recognized the monopoly of car sales and in an even more strange action, it has demanded the calculation of the car price based on the dollar market consisting of foreign exchange and the price of three similar foreign cars!
This happens while the decree has not made it clear that the price of foreign cars should be based on the rate of which country and under what conditions. Also, the reason for applying the exchange rate of the foreign exchange market to determine the Riyal price of the car is not clear, because the different exchange rates recognized by the government have a higher priority for determining the price of domestic products. For example, the calculated dollar rate of import of basic and intermediate goods is considered to be 28,500 Tomans. How is it that a domestically produced car has a more expensive exchange rate than an imported product?!
The decision of the Competition Council, when it was published with this amount of ambiguity and unanswered questions, only strengthened the suspicion that the car market and especially the stock market would be in turmoil, which was waiting for the final determination of the continuation of car sales in the stock market, which probably some people are looking for negative suffering. Dragging in the stock market and taking fluctuations from people in the capital market.
After a lot of tension, the new guidelines of the Competition Council for the automobile industry were published today, and the task of supplying cars to the stock market was completed.
The Competition Council has stated in its instructions today, which is written in beautiful Nastaliq script, that the market of all passenger cars, including manufactured, assembled and imported cars, is recognized as exclusive, and henceforth, according to the law, they will be priced according to the instructions of the Competition Council.
In paragraph 2-3 of this instruction, “with the aim of institutionalizing competition for each car, based on the price of at least three foreign cars of the same category in terms of class, quality and standard, a price is extracted and announced as a competitive base.” The Competition Council, directly or through the Ministry of Security, will use the capacity of internal professional institutions and, as the case may be, valid external authorities to determine the comparison criteria, which will be summarized and the basis of action in the automotive working group meeting in 6-month or one-year periods; And if this instruction is correct, there is no indication of the commodity exchange in its clauses.
In paragraph 5 of Article 5, which is the most important issue these days, it has been announced that from now on, car manufacturers are required to register and sell their products through the integrated car sales system; Therefore, it can be assumed that the supply of cars in the commodity exchange has been stopped.
With the publication of this instruction, the capital market reacted to this news, and the shares of the automotive group as well as the stock market as a whole faced supply pressure, and even some symbols are close to the selling queue.
Now we have to wait for the decision of the responsible bodies for the instructions of the competition council.