The education per capita of each student is 45 Tomans/ we have 780 thousand children missing out on education

According to Fars News Agency’s Education Department, Minister of Education Yousef Nouri, in a meeting with the members of the Education and Research Commission of the Islamic Council, honoring the memory of the student martyrs, especially the student martyrs of 16 Azar, stated: In the past year, with the help of the government and the Islamic Council, many good activities have been carried out in education and we were able to solve some of the problems of teachers and cultural workers such as the problems of the purchasing power, the legal alignment of Farhangian University professors with the Ministry of Science, the law on the ranking of teachers, and the determination of the duties of the mehrafarin forces in the subject To solve the ranking, help in determining the assignment of recruitments, etc., in these fields, the cooperation of the education and research commission of the parliament was very helpful and constructive.
Referring to the implementation of some works in the Ministry of Education, he said: a project by the Deputy of Primary Education, the Deputy of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Educational Research and Planning Organization called the Iqtan Project is being carried out to teach teachers the methods of teaching the Quran. get to know each other and this work is being done for the training of first grade teachers and gradually other teachers will also be included in this plan, because during the general education period, we give 600 hours of Quran teaching to students, but so far our expectations of students’ ability Not fulfilled.
Regarding other educational activities, Nouri stated: In secondary education in basic sciences and mathematics, although we had a drop of 1.9 percent, this drop has been compensated after 9 years; Also, 70,000 conservatory students have been added to the country’s conservatories and the project of Jowar Sanat conservatories has been implemented, and currently 39% of students are studying in conservatories.
Referring to some of the problems of education, he said: We have 780,000 children who are left out of school, and measures should be taken to reduce the number of these children, so it is stipulated in the 1402 budget to allocate a budget for this area.
The Minister of Education continued: The density of students in the urban outskirts is somewhat high and can lead to a decrease in the quality of education, but our efforts to increase the educational spaces in the outskirts of the cities do not reach the speed of migration and according to the educational transformation documents and education, per capita number of students per teacher and per capita educational space in these areas are higher than the set standards.
He stated: The transportation service for students in rural areas, the feeding of students in day and night schools is facing problems and these deficiencies must be solved, especially in the budget area.
Pointing to the importance of the Vice-Chancellor of Education, Nouri added: The low budget of this Vice-Chancellor and the lack of recruitment of educational staff during the past 12 years have caused this Vice-Chancellor to not be able to perform its functions well. Currently, we have a shortage of 40,000 breeding staff and we must have a plan to attract these staff.
He added: per capita of each student in the field of education during the year is 45 Tomans, which is a very small amount and it takes away the possibility of any kind of planning. Nothing has been done in the field of building spaces for cultural centers and Dar al-Qur’an, so we must plan in this field as well.
The Minister of Education stated that 19.2% of schools need to be renovated and renovated, and stated: We have grown in the field of social harms of students, so we need to be strengthened in the field of counseling and human resources and the budget related to the field of social harms.
end of message/
Key words: Minister of Education, Yusuf Nouri, education per capita, students
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