حقوقی و قضاییاجتماعی

The need to calculate the school map of Tehran city/Tehran municipality can support 353 schools

According to the report of Fars News Agency’s Education Department, in the preparatory meeting for the preparation of the cooperation document between the Ministry of Education and Tehran Municipality in the cultural and social fields, on the topic of generating funds for education with the approach of modernizing and developing educational spaces, as well as producing housing for educators. It was held in the presence of Yousuf Nouri, the Minister of Education and Alireza Zakani, the Mayor of Tehran, and a group of deputy directors and managers of the Ministry of Education and Municipality, and discussed and exchanged opinions on common issues and creating synergies between these two groups.

In this meeting, Yousef Nouri, the Minister of Education, pointed out that we should pay attention to the fundamental transformation of education that has been approved by the supreme leader of the revolution, and said: We should consider the educational building in this memorandum as a mother and able model. We should extend it so that it can be implemented in other provinces as well.

He stated that in the issue of manufacturing, which was approved by the heads of the powers and the supreme leader of the revolution also confirmed, we should sign the memorandums and immediately implement them after that, adding: there are many capacities in the field of space and construction. We are aware that we have to fix the defects in this field.

Nouri continued: We hope to be able to show the city of Tehran to the world based on Iranian-Islamic identities in the field of public education and if we use the capacity of popular groups in this way, it can be a stable, sustainable, attractive and viable model. Presentation for our country and other countries.

Alireza Zakani, Mayor of Tehran, stated in this meeting: Our work is based on cultural issues. The cultural foundation affects all the affairs of the society, and since this foundation itself is influenced by education, of course we also have duties and responsibilities towards the institution of education.

He stated that in the three-level municipality, we can serve the education system that oversees schools, teachers and students, and added: Regarding schools, our minimum service is to help rebuild schools.

Zakani continued: We need the map of schools in Tehran to be counted so that we can have a proposal for the redesign of all schools and be able to conclude a great understanding in which the capacities of education and training will be productive and serve educational development.

The mayor of Tehran pointed out: The next point is accepting the responsibility of schools. We can support 353 schools in the city and take the burden off the shoulders of education.

He added: Our support for teachers can be to pay attention to their leisure and housing concerns and solve their housing problems within a few years. Also, we should have a serious connection and connection with them and use the capacity of this group in our group and use part of our own capacities in the neighborhoods by using interaction and taking advantage of the teachers’ capacity.

Zakani stated: It is possible to consider an effective and developing free time for students. It is also possible to carry out extra-curricular activities for students using different capacities of the municipality; In addition, we can set up some camps in Tehran and serve teenagers.

He reminded: the issue of employing students for transformation in neighborhoods can be taken into consideration so that students can be an effective element in society and criticize urban management and communicate with it; An example of this axis is durability groups where students can help us in this matter.

In the end, the mayor of Tehran stated that we can have a package in the field of our communication and serve education as an effective part of the society and play a role in improving the quality and quantity of education, he noted: We have to reach a common road map with the cooperation of two groups about different sectors.
end of message/

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