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Top documentary cinema from Yamagata to Madrid in reality cinema

The International Reality Film Festival, in the form of a side section of “A Mirror of a Festival”, has reviewed the works of world documentary festivals in different periods, including IDFA, Marseille and Hot Dox festivals, and in its 15th period, has reviewed the best works of the Lisbon Documentary Festival in Portugal. Will show.

Theater News Base: Documentary festivals Amsterdam, IDFA, Hot Dox, Yamagata, Marseille, Madrid, Jihlava, Sheffield, Vision de Real, Leipzig, Denmark, Cinematorel, Thessaloniki and Millennium are some of the festivals whose best works have passed in recent years.
In the first edition of the Truth Film Festival, the “Mirror of a Festival” section was dedicated to showing the best films of the Amsterdam, IDFA (Netherlands) and Hot Ducks (Canada) documentaries. Also, in the section entitled “Browse a Country”, a selection of Syrian films was shown to the fans.
In the second period of the festival, the best documentaries of the Yamagata Festival (Japan) were screened in the side section of “Mirror of a Festival” and the works of Poland were reviewed.

The screening of the top documentaries of the Marseille Documentary Festival (France) was a side event of the third edition of the Truth Film Festival. Also during this period, a selection of Russian documentaries was screened.

“Mirror of a Festival”, the fourth edition of the Truth Cinema, screened the best works of the Madrid (Spain) Film Festival, as well as a selection of Bosnian and Herzegovinian documentaries.
The fifth edition of the Reality Film Festival did not have a side section entitled “The Mirror of a Festival” or “Browse a Country”, and the sixth edition of the Reality Film Festival screened the best works of the Jihlava Documentary Festival (Czech Republic) and reviewed Latin American documentaries.

In the seventh edition of the Reality Film Festival, the “Mirror of a Festival” section was dedicated to showing the best works of the Sheffield Documentary Festival (UK), and Indian documentaries were screened in the One Country Review section.

The works of Vision de Real (Switzerland) Festival were screened in the side section of “Mirror of a Festival” of the eighth edition of Haghighat Cinema, during which a selection of Japanese documentaries was introduced to Iranian audiences.

In the ninth edition of the Truth Cinema, the best documentaries of the Leipzig Film Festival (Germany) were screened and the best American documentaries were introduced in the side section of “Browse a Country”.

The tenth edition of the Reality Film Festival was dedicated to screening the best films of the Danish Documentary Festival and reviewing the works of Italy.

The side section of “A Mirror of a Festival” in the 11th Haghighat Film Festival was dedicated to the screening of the best films of the Dorel Film Festival (France) and the documentary section of a Danish country was screened.

In the twelfth edition of the Truth Cinema, the best works of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival (Greece) were screened, and documentaries from German-speaking countries, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland, were screened in the “Browse a Country” section.

A selection of selected works from the Millennium Documentary Festival (Belgium) was screened at the 13th Haghighat Film Festival, and this year’s “Browse a Country” section was dedicated to introducing documentaries from the Balkan and Baltic countries.

Chile’s works were introduced at the 14th Haqiqat Film Festival, but this year there was no side section entitled “Mirror of a Festival” and selected works from the previous 13 Haqiqat Film Festival were screened.

And at the 15th Truth Film Festival, there are four documentaries: “Origin” directed by Pedro Philippe Marquez, “The Winding River” by Mario Voloso, “Earth” directed by Hirutsu Suzuki – Rosana Torres and “The Eternal Man” by Javier Balido Valdivia. A Festival “dedicated to the best works of the Lisbon Festival (Portugal) will be screened.

The 15th International Iranian Documentary Film Festival “Cinema Haghighat” will be held from December 18 to 25 under the auspices of Mohammad Hamidi Moghadam.

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