Zero to one hundred recent regulations for monitoring the home show network

Fars News Agency – Art and Media Group: During the years of their activities, the home television network and its activists have shouted the need for supervision and regulation, willingly or unwillingly, which finally came to an end on Tuesday of last week.
The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution held a meeting and through an important resolution, while confirming the exclusive right of radio and television to broadcast live in virtual and real space, it established the supervisory position of radio and television over user- and publisher-oriented audio and video media. Peyman Jabali, head of the Broadcasting Organization, said: “Satra, on behalf of the Broadcasting Corporation, is responsible for regulation in the field of immersive audio and video in cyberspace; Obviously, in the field of comprehensive user-oriented and publisher-oriented audio and video media, especially home theater, the responsibility of regulating and issuing licenses for production and publication is the responsibility of Sedavsima.
In this regard, we have had a conversation with Mahmoud Hajiloui, the secretary of the cultural and social headquarters of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, regarding the details of the regulation on the supervision of universal audio and video networks, which could end up clarifying the regulation of satra on home shows.
* Approval details
Regarding the details of this resolution, Hajiloui said: “The resolution of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution regarding the universal audio and video network has two parts, one part is related to the division of labor regarding the regulation of the universal audio and video and monitoring of the home television network, which is The matter has been divided between the Radio and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; This happened in terms of the inherent mission of the Broadcasting Organization and the laws that exist in the country, and the experts of the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution have prepared this resolution carefully and back and forth between these two institutions.
He added: “The second part of this resolution is related to the cultural policies of the home television network, which was compiled by the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the Broadcasting Organization. Other stakeholders that exist in the form of a committee consisting of experts, representatives of the Broadcasting Organization, the Ministry of Happiness and the Council of Cultural Revolution and other stakeholders examine these policies, and if the committee approves these approvals, they will be presented in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and if Confirmation will be communicated.
*Options must be checked in practice
Many words have been raised regarding the division of powers in this resolution, first it was noted that the supervision of the home television network is with radio and television, and then the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance in a conversation stating that most of the powers of the area The comprehensive sound and image is the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. He announced: “What has been published in public opinion and some media about this is not true, and we intend to carry out regulatory work as a unit in the field of cultural governance.”
Other statements later interpreted these powers, but in the end it became clear that in this field, the supervision of the home television network and online broadcasting is the responsibility of the Broadcasting Organization, and departments such as theater and music have been entrusted to Ershad.
Mahmoud Hajiloui, Secretary of the Cultural and Social Headquarters of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution
Regarding this division, Hajiloui stated: “The division of this decree is clear and clear in its text, there are some points related to its implementation that should be reviewed until the time it is announced by the president and this decree enters the field of implementation. He waited, the cases that have been discussed in general terms in this resolution, the necessary path to agree on the details and finer regulations have also been determined.
* Surveillance that is undeniable
The need to monitor the home television network is also one of the things that cannot be denied; Saeed Mashhadi, the head of the Content Production and Publishing Union in the virtual space, said in an interview with a Fars news agency reporter: “If we want to describe the general atmosphere created after the announcement of the decree, we must say that everyone believes that there should be regulation and regulation; “I don’t think anyone is fundamentally opposed to regulation in the home network.”
The Secretary of the Cultural and Social Staff of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution said: “In any case, monitoring the home television network is one of the most important matters in the field of culture. There is this monitoring in all countries of the world, in some cases with the formation of a category. Age classification and its correct infrastructure are applied in these supervisions.
* The importance of having a home network
Arash Khoshkho, a cinema expert, said regarding the importance of the home television network in Iran: “VODs were successful to a large extent in Iran as well as cable TVs in America in attracting and tending the audience to watch serials and were able to attract a large part of the audience of serials. attract a satellite as well. With the increase in the production of home TV series, we saw a relative decrease in watching Turkish TV series, and on the other hand, families who were more careful about the health of their children choose the home TV network more easily. “I recently found out that one of these platforms also broadcasts Turkish series with Persian dubbing and censorship for interested families.”
In this regard, regarding the importance of the topic for the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, Hajiloui said: “The issue of people’s free time and entertainment is very important for us. Leisure is one of the areas, if the content produced for it is properly formed, it creates an atmosphere of peace. And the influence of children from the family and the correct formation of their personality; On the other hand, home TV series have formed a significant part of the cultural basket used by the people.
He continued: “We also want this cultural basket that has shaped people’s free time to be fruitful and attractive, so we support these home show network productions and enrich and improve their content; We also understand the concern of parents regarding their children’s access to content that can be harmful to them, and on the other hand, we want families to use this content in peace and be able to watch it as a family; In order to resolve this concern and establish a calm atmosphere, there must be this supervision.
*People’s requests for proper monitoring of the home network
Since the beginning of this year, more than 16,000 users of the “Fars Man” interactive system have registered various campaigns to monitor the content of the series of the home TV network and to stop the showing of taboos and anomalies in the “VODs”, which were previously mentioned in the article. My Persia The demand of 16 thousand people to monitor the content of the home television network. We have addressed it.
The last of these requests in this systemSupporting the decision to hand over the home television network to Sedavsima“, which shows the people’s demand for this matter.
The Secretary of the Cultural and Social Staff of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution said in relation to the same issue: “The entry of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution was brought up in the council according to the requests of the higher institutions and the requests of many people and based on the mission areas of this council. This division can Determine the responsibilities of each of the two institutions of the Broadcasting Organization of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, which is a big step for the accountability of these institutions; On the other hand, due to the clarification of the responsibility of each one, the area of their responsibility has also been specified, and this strengthens the possibility of making demands.
Tabatabainejad, who has a managerial background in the field of cinema, stated in his interview: “Home series have shown that in the last 10 years, they have been able to attract the doors of anti-family satellite channels and attract the audience, they have been able to make the satellite audience follow the Islamic Republic’s series. However, there may have been love triangles and squares in these series…
Regarding the importance of the home show, Hajiloui said: “The fact is that we are in a big competitive environment at the global level, at any moment in the countries of the world, many video productions and contents are produced, and due to the new technologies, this content is available. Iranian people will also be exposed and if our portfolio is empty of Iranian content, the Iranian audience will be exposed to the powerful waves of foreign content; So, as a result, all cultural institutions are interested in the production and existence of Iranian content to be offered to the people; It is definitely the case that the content produced inside Iran can help cultural issues, but on the condition that we can have a proper rail for local productions and consider the frameworks of Iranian Islamic culture for them with a strategic policy.
He continued: “According to this principle, we believe that the home theater network and its productions should be strengthened, and the fact is that the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution is looking for a cultural governance in relation to the universal audio and video network, and this is the beginning of the work.”
He further acknowledged the positive features of this resolution: “In paragraph 6 of this resolution, the discussion of inclusive policies and the principle of participation of all stakeholders is discussed, we are trying to get all stakeholders, including private sector organizations, content producers, and publishing platforms consider; In the process of formulating these policies, the opinions of all stakeholders will be considered in the form of consensus meetings or in different ways.
*Looking at the economic side of the home show network
Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, previously stated in relation to the economy of the home television network: “The home television network is considered as a capacity and opportunity, also the home television network plays a role in strengthening an important part of the economy of culture and art and That’s why it should be supported.”
In this regard, Mahmoud Hajiloui said: “Another important principle is to pay attention to the economy of culture. While emphasizing the principle and basis of Iranian Islamic culture and the point that we will not fall short of this principle under any circumstances, we believe that we should pay attention to cultural issues.” Its economy should also be taken into consideration, in the discussion of the home television network, the subject of its popular economy and the amount of expenses incurred for subscriptions are also taken into account so that families can easily access this content.
He continued: “Another important part in this issue is the economy of publishing platforms and content producers. In this resolution, the economy of this group and also the reasonable profit they should have are also taken into account.”
After entering Iran, the home television network and the field of surround sound and video has suffered from sloppiness and sloppiness, what happened in this space will only be resolved with its legalization.
Mustafa Ghasemian also emphasized the need to monitor home viewing platforms and wrote: “There is no doubt that in the issue of monitoring internet videos (both inclusive and non-inclusive), the most important and noisy case of which is home theater network series, the existence of a regulatory body and its role-playing It is necessary to closely monitor the platforms. Years of experience in various fields around the world have proven that the “market” can be given considerable freedom of action, but the market and the capitalist cannot be left alone with the audience (here, the user). Even in the freest economies of the world, there is a regulatory body and it forces everyone to obey the law.
Until today, some of the activists of the inclusive audio and video space have used a space that was less abiding by the law, and today they may be facing a law-abiding space. It goes without saying that the rule of law will always have a better result than lawlessness, maybe you have heard the saying that when tyranny begins, the law ends.
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