
How to live in the heart of the crisis? / Tehran; A few days after the earthquake

Fars News Agency Social Group Earthquake, an event that people always refer to as scary and devastating events and are always afraid that an earthquake will occur. Our country is on the earthquake belt of the world and from time to time these faults are shaken and Some parts of the country are shaking.

In the discussion of earthquakes in the country, Tehran has a special sensitivity compared to other cities due to high population density and the concentration of many infrastructures in or around this city. Also, Tehran is located on several earthquake faults and in If these faults are active, many dangers will befall the Iranian capital.

Tehran can be called a city of faults because it has a large number of faults that include Mosha, Fasham, Mulla Sadra, Niavaran, Telo Pa’in, Mahmoudieh, Shian, reverse fault of Imamzadeh Davood, Kows, North Rey, South Rey, Kahrizak, Garmsar becomes the leader and parchment; Of course, there are many sub-faults in the city of Tehran, such as Narmak, Shadabad, Davoodieh, Abbasabad, Bagh-e Feyz, etc. Will follow.

But there has always been talk of earthquakes, but we need to know what to do after this or other crises. In this regard, we had a conversation with Shahin Mozaffari, Deputy Director of Recovery, Empowerment and Community-Based Participation of the Tehran Crisis Prevention and Management Organization.

Most of the time, the officials talk about the occurrence of accidents and its damages, and that, for example, if an earthquake occurs, so many buildings are damaged and a number of citizens lose their lives, and …. but about the actions after the accident No comprehensive explanation has been given. Please explain what the Tehran Crisis Management Organization has to do after the events in Tehran?

Knowledge and experience gained is not for the library / Optimal management of post-disaster emergencies depends on prior arrangements and planning

Natural disasters have always caused irreparable damage to various aspects of individual and social life and the human environment. Experience and various studies have confirmed that the optimal management of post-disaster emergencies depends on the previous coordination and planning of organizations, cities and citizens.

It is very important to return to normal living conditions and take appropriate measures and preparations

Due to the vulnerabilities of some metropolises in Tehran and the concentration of a significant part of human, social, economic and cultural capital in this city, the importance of paying attention to the recovery phase after disasters, elimination of shortcomings and problems, return to living conditions Regularity and appropriate actions and preparations are of paramount importance.

Measures that go beyond responding to disasters, supporting critical emergency needs and basic challenges, and continuing until the community reaches a stable state of self-reliance and increases capabilities and capacities.

What plans do you have to reduce the risks of accidents? Is there an integrated management in case of accidents in the country?

Prioritize the risk elimination and mitigation approach / Disaster management and disaster management costs / Establish integrated management in policy and planning of the reconstruction process

Attention and appropriate action in monitoring, eliminating and reducing potential hazards in the city, by coordinating measures, creating integrated management in policy-making and planning the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation and stakeholder awareness; There is a proven and up-to-date approach in reducing the number, recurrence and severity of accident damages, which will lead to a reduction in the time period and costs of dealing with and managing disasters and meeting the needs of post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation.

In the field of crisis management, what are your plans for managing emergencies? Is the social capacity of experts used in this matter?

Networking of specialists, strengthening of specific knowledge and skills / use of physical and mental and even economic and family rehabilitation services

Perhaps it can be said that in our society today, the necessary and comprehensive culture has not been done in the use of physical and mental rehabilitation services and even economic and family, and in the conditions of occurrence and acuteity of an injury, we seek treatment and cure it. Of course, recognizing the causes of injuries and similar issues is not necessary. One of the solutions in the field of crisis management for emergency management can be predicted and can be followed and used in normal time; Networking professionals, strengthening their specific knowledge and skills, introducing their services to the community and strengthening social interactions in this area.

How do you identify vulnerable groups in different areas and neighborhoods of the city? Explain in this regard.

Strengthen psychological and physical first aid skills / implement various cultural projects and provide services by professionals for free and voluntarily

If within each neighborhood, location and timing and providers of different rehabilitation services are known to local people, different vulnerable groups are identified and other people in need are aware of the benefits of using these services, perhaps by strengthening psychological and physical first aid skills. The problem and … to see a significant reduction in injuries requiring serious medical services.

Implementing various cultural projects and providing services by professionals for free and voluntarily on one or more specific days of the year, seems to be able to play an effective role in creating culture and improving attitudes, a reliable and strengthened capacity to manage emergencies. Scope, provide.

How prepared are you for post-crisis situations? Have you given the necessary training to the citizens in this field? What is the duty of managers in Tehran after the earthquake? Explain about this.

Improving community emergencies, more than any other area, is a cultural issue / inadequacy or spending on rehabilitation and rehabilitation facilities in inappropriate locations

Phrases such as “Well, the authorities should take care of it. The authorities should come and see and make a decision. Until the situation normalizes, all the needs of the injured people from outside the area will be met. “Keeping buildings and facilities in a damaged state, with the aim of conducting damage assessments or determining and allocating funds, the weak role of businesses and compensation by insurance companies,” are all signs of our inadequacy.

Improving community emergencies is more of a cultural issue than any other

The participation of various stakeholders, especially the affected individuals and the region, in preventing and reducing the grounds for causing or increasing the damages or compensating for the damages and improving the emergency conditions of the society, is more than any other cultural issue. Knowledge that is not fully operational in disaster management and we are deprived of its benefits, including much greater preparedness for similar disasters.

How much infrastructure do we have for natural events to occur and what is the role of people after a crisis?

Disaster management is a popular issue /Emergencies are not trial and error conditions

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods will cause environmental changes, depending on the intensity and number of repetitions. The more people are familiar with and prepared for them, and the more infrastructure is built in terms of the likelihood of these natural events occurring, the less the adverse effects of these changes will be. Dealing to the maximum with all the predictable cases and preventing the dangers, along with complete trust, thanks to God, is a matter that starts from the people and can be done with the support of the people.

What are your plans for vulnerable groups, including women, the elderly, children, people with disabilities, and those affected by natural disasters?

If insurances do not have the necessary support and coverage in times of crisis or there is no adequate access to equipment and ancillary items; It is a matter for reflection / emergencies are by no means a place of trial and error

If by examining how to respond to the daily needs of social, physical and mental rehabilitation of vulnerable groups of the population including women, the elderly, children, people with disabilities and injured people and exposed to social harm such as homeless people, working and street children and .. We came to the conclusion that there is a lot of work to be done. If different insurances do not have the necessary support and coverage for all these needs or there is no adequate and adequate access to equipment and ancillary items; It is a matter of fundamental reflection. Let alone the mechanism of providing services in the event of an emergency after a disaster, which increases the population of these vulnerable groups and the urgency of the investigation, and in no way is there room for trial and error.

Have all aspects of the incidents been seen? Do the relevant authorities, organizations and institutions know their duties in this regard?

Experiencing repetitive mistakes and unpreparedness from incident to incident, even in limited cases, does not beautify our rich culture.

To deal with all aspects of even a small accident and not to simply ignore it, to search for the various cause or causes of the incident and the accident, to consider all the victims and related officials, and to learn the lessons learned in modifying processes and instructions. Considering and experiencing repeated mistakes and unpreparedness from one incident to another, even in limited cases, does not beautify the rich culture and high character of our people.

Is there legal support and obligation for the National Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program? Is the country’s crisis management organization involved in this field? Explain about this.

The National Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program was communicated to the relevant agencies by the country’s Crisis Management Organization

In this regard, the National Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program in accordance with paragraph c of Article 4 of the Crisis Management Law has been notified to the relevant agencies by the Crisis Management Organization. In this document, rules, frameworks, models and effective methods and preparation of reconstruction plans before and after accidents with the participation of all organizations and agencies responsible for Article 2 of this law in compliance with other laws and regulations within the framework of national management strategy The crisis has prepared.

During accidents and crises, significant consequences and damages that could have been prevented in many cases / Details and specific executive processes, planning and rehabilitation and rehabilitation measures in each of the provinces

This document is at the national level and requires specific details and executive processes, planning and reconstruction and rehabilitation measures in each of the different provinces and regions of the country. It should be noted that neglecting to formulate regional policies, strategies and programs based on needs and challenges and considering these details in each city, province and county and subsequent executive shortcomings, in the event of accidents and crises, consequences and It will cause significant damage to the people of the affected area, which in many cases could have been prevented.

Cooperation and active participation of a group of professors, experienced managers and social activists in the field of reconstruction and rehabilitation of the city

Of course, the support of the elites is also important. And we are pursuing social activists in the field of reconstruction and rehabilitation of the city and citizens after accidents and disasters.

Explain the plans of the Crisis Management Organization in the sustainability groups?

Specialized courses for members of sustainability and benefiting from the capacity of these grassroots groups to create culture

Durability groups are organized with more than 21,000 people from the largest organizations. Specialized courses for members of sustainability and benefiting from the capacity of these grassroots groups are held to create more culture and promote the safety of families and neighborhoods.

We have books on crisis management, natural hazards, passive defense, HSE, disaster health

Of course, I would also like to explain about the library of the Crisis Management Organization, which after more than 10 years since its establishment, with 2530 titles of Persian books and 261 titles of Latin books, is a good capacity for citizens to use. Crisis management, natural hazards, passive defense, HSE, disaster health, resilience, civil-architecture – spatial information, urban planning, communications and crisis, seismic improvement and related areas exist and the main purpose of the library is Crisis Prevention and Management The city of Tehran is the preparation and collection of scientific resources and strengthening scientific support for study programs and knowledge promotion in the field of crisis management and organization.

End of message /

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