Police arrangements on Ghadr nights; From deploying operational teams to patrolling task forces

Fars News Agency Disciplinary Group – Maryam Arab Ansari: Tonight is the first night of Ghadr; Nights that are the purest spiritual opportunity to communicate with God Almighty and the best time to gain worldly and otherworldly blessings; An opportunity to attend mosques and husseiniyahs, which after two years of control of the corona virus and the limitation of holding ceremonies and delegations, has been provided this year with nationwide vaccinations and reduction of statistics and casualties and return of society to normal conditions, and this month is the first Ramadan. Without coronary restrictions, one can be present in mosques, Takayas, Husseiniyahs and shrines to revive the Night of Power.
A presence that you must also consider measures to ensure its security; From traffic management to facilitating traffic and providing parking space; Also, ensuring the security of roads and houses and places for holding ceremonies, which the Tehran Police has also announced in this regard, is present at the scene with full readiness and the presence of 100% of the officers.
* Be 100% ready for police, traffic and intelligence units on Ghadr nights
Sardar Hossein Rahimi, pointing out that the capital police will be 100% on standby on Ghadr nights, said: On Ghadr nights until the end of the revival ceremony, the capital police, traffic, security and intelligence units will be on 100% alert.
He pointed out that according to the announcement of the National Headquarters against Corona regarding the possibility of citizens attending the Layali al-Qadr ceremony and the Quds Day march with health considerations, we will definitely see a large presence of citizens in the Layali al-Qadr ceremony this year. : During the nights, police and traffic patrols will be stationed in designated areas and will have purposeful patrols in the city.
Sardar Rahimi, emphasizing that we will provide security and peace to the citizens with his authority, said: “In the holy month of Ramadan, we are witnessing prayers until dawn in different parts of Tehran, where police officers will be present along with the people.”
* Special traffic arrangements on Ghadr Nights / Rahvar Police: Truck traffic prohibited
Sardar Mohammad Hossein Hamidi, Chief of Greater Tehran Road Police, while explaining the traffic arrangements of the Greater Tehran Road Police on Ghadr nights, stated: Hosseiniyahs will take action to facilitate traffic and regulate the movement of those present at the ceremony; In addition, we may have cross-sectional traffic restrictions in some of the passages provided for the ceremony.
Sardar Hamidi added: The traffic of trucks and heavy vehicles, which is normally open from 11 pm to 5 am, is prohibited on the streets of Tehran on Ghadr nights, and the police will apply a law to seize the trucks.
Rahoor Paytakht Police Chief pointed out: Due to the fact that many people present at the Ghadr night ceremony and the mourning ceremony on the night of the martyrdom of Mawlawi Mottaqiyan Ali (AS) will be present in dark clothing, drivers must be careful and observe the traffic rules. And to stop and park the car in forbidden places, which leads to disturbing others and disturbing the order.
He said: the police officers of Rahoor Paytakht will have the necessary guidance in different passages regarding the car park of the participants in the ceremony, while the highway passages are also under the supervision and attention of the police due to the increase in traffic until dawn.
* Establish operational teams and patrol teams / inform people of suspicious cases
In an interview with a disciplinary reporter of Fars News Agency, Col. Jalil Moghafei, Chief of the Capital Prevention Police, announced the full readiness of the Prevention Police and police stations in Tehran to provide security on Ghadr nights.
The head of the capital’s preventive police stated: The group of preventive police officers in the capital’s police station and head offices is on full alert and is active in the form of car patrols, pedestrian crossings, motorized patrols and strike groups, as well as auxiliary forces in neighborhoods, passages and squares. will have.
The endowment colonel stated that the operation and investigation teams of the police stations will also patrol the passages and neighborhoods in a tangible and imperceptible way, announcing the establishment of operational teams near mosques, husseiniyahs and shrines, and said: in order to ensure the security of citizens and prevent Crimes, especially robberies, operational teams and task forces will be stationed in the neighborhoods.
He asked the citizens to report any suspicious cases to the 110 police.
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