Entrepreneurship and startup

71 licenses were issued in Fars entrepreneurship field

According to an IRNA reporter, Vahid is a devotee of God On Tuesday, in a meeting with a number of top entrepreneurs of Fars province on the occasion of the World Entrepreneurship Week, he added: Considering the start of the World Entrepreneurship Week on November 25 and the need to implement programs to promote the culture of entrepreneurship, more than 40 special programs for these days in the province It has been envisioned and implemented.

He stated that the activities of entrepreneurship are followed through the establishment of entrepreneurship consulting offices, entrepreneurs’ association and entrepreneur’s philanthropic association at the province level, he said: creation of consulting offices with the aim of providing knowledge-based advice, guiding entrepreneurial startups and supporting them and increasing The success of these units has been followed at the provincial level.

The General Director of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare of Fars province stated that 57 licenses for the establishment of entrepreneurship consulting offices have been issued in this province, and Fars is the leader in this regard in the country, adding: 4 licenses for accelerators, 6 licenses for entrepreneurship cafes, and 4 licenses for workspaces. It has been issued jointly in the field of Fars entrepreneurship.

He continued: The trade association of entrepreneurial consulting offices was also established in Fars province, which is unique in the country.

He added: The Entrepreneurship Center of Fars Province started its activity in Fars in 2019 with the aim of developing the entrepreneurial ecosystem of this province, and also the Association of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs of this province started its work in 2019 with the aim of helping the entrepreneurs of Fars. Is.

Khodaparast stated that selection and presentation of top entrepreneurs is done every year in Fars and said: So far, 14 editions of this festival have been held in the country, where 90 top entrepreneurs of Fars have been introduced to the society and 23 entrepreneurs have been selected as top entrepreneurs at the national level. was selected.

The head of the cooperative chamber of Fars province also said in the continuation of this meeting: “The cooperative sector in Fars is active with 6 thousand cooperatives in different trends and has created 80 thousand direct jobs with 2 million members.”

Mojtabi Mahalati added: The Fars cooperative sector accounts for about 8% of the community’s employment, and the share of this sector in the province’s economy is low.

He continued: It is an important issue that government bodies, especially in the economic field, determine and separate the contribution of the cooperative sector in each field.

In the continuation of this meeting, which was held in the presence of Fars governor and a number of senior managers of the province, the heads of the entrepreneurs’ association, the trade association of entrepreneurial offices and the association of job-creating and entrepreneurial benefactors of Fars province expressed their requests and demands from the senior management of Fars province.

From 25th to 1st of December, it has been named as World Entrepreneurship Week.

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