
A different point in the ecosystem

East of Tehran is more of a residential area and we see less business or commercial buildings in this area. However, we heard that Raymon Media has been working in the Hakimiyeh area of ​​Tehran for a long time to provide services to startups and content production teams, so we got ready to see what is going on in Raymond. From the door we enter, a fountain of colorful furniture catches your eye, the space is really large and it shows itself in a circular logo face to face. Raymon Media It is four thousand and two hundred meters!

Some believe that Raymond is the capital of creativity and innovation in the CGI industry in Iran, because the growth center of this complex, as the largest animation and game development center in Iran, provides valuable services to young creators, producers and talents in this field. Various and efficient other Raymond departments such as think tank, project design and management department, equipped studios, editing rooms, project monitoring departments, motion capture studio, rendering form, 360 degree chromakey studio, black box studio, up-to-date computer and studio equipment and The possibility of testing the work in a 100-person cinema and equipped, has made this collection one of the most powerful groups in the industry in the country, because from receiving and processing ideas to delivering work to domestic and international markets completely inside the space. Raymon Media is done.

After seeing Raymon spaces, we arrived in the presence of Mr. Alireza Haghighi, close to the director of Raymond Collection, to have a conversation with him.

Where did Raymond start?

Raimon has started with base animation. Content was something that most businesses needed, and different collections offered content production services, but most of the studios were in different parts of the city, and we wanted that service to be centralized, and of course to be able to come up with ideas from the beginning. Be our recipients. I started my career in the field of IT and one of my goals was to integrate this science with the field of media, so Raymond was launched with the aim of providing All-in-one services in the field of content production with the help of Imam Khomeini Executive Headquarters and the Vice President for Science and Technology.

That is, Raymond is a government center?

Raymon, like many other collections, is a feature, that is, it was initially established and equipped with the help of the mentioned institutions, but now it provides its expenses with products and services and does not receive support from organs.

What services is Raymond going to provide to the innovation ecosystem?

Unfortunately, many startup teams do not have the capacity to produce some content. Of course, Raymond also gives teams what is offered in all accelerators or innovation centers, such as consulting, mentoring, deployment, etc., but our main focus is on this. To provide access to content production equipment for all groups and Raimon is not the exclusive property of one body, group or team, and all start-ups can use these facilities. At Raymond, we supported businesses that were big, as well as people who came to us with a raw idea and needed to build a team, and we were by their side, step by step, to the point where they were attracted and transformed. They also became successful startups.

What is the process of attracting a team and an idea in Raymond?

In the first period, we had a public call and individuals or teams registered their ideas on the site and after the evaluation, they entered the pre-acceleration and acceleration phase. But we have been accelerating the issue for several months now, we talk to different organizations, organs and companies and ask about their challenges, then we try to attract a team based on that issue. Raymond site is also open and friends can submit their ideas during the year, we have no restrictions.

Given that Raymond specializes in media, should ideas be specialized as well?

We specialize in the field of media and this is an advantage for us, but we are attracted to areas that are also considered creative industries because another of our titles is to accelerate the creative industries, but our focus is on content production and media.

What challenges does Raymond face along the way?

One of Raymond’s biggest challenges was the challenge between managers and shareholders, which grew to a point where we worked hard to solve it, after which the outbreak of the Corona virus last year, like other businesses, affected Raymond. Raymond was able to come up with solutions to these problems and even work on his own branding. Existing inflation also reduced the strength of the teams, and as a result, Raymond was affected.

What plans do you currently have to make Raymond more dynamic and interact with the ecosystem?

Having a large space in Raymond and a dedicated cinema in this space and the possibility of private screening of the film, is supposed to become a sustainable program this year so that accelerators or other support centers can come to Raymond with their teams for this program on a certain day of the week. The program is more about interacting with the ecosystem, creating different entertainment for teams and branding. Because many of these centers do not have enough space for these programs, it is noteworthy that in the Corona pandemic, this program is held with a smaller number and preservation of protocols. Raymond is a bridge between the world of media and the technology ecosystem.

Closing remarks:

My advice to my friends is that teamwork is better with individual problems than individual work, people can help their networking by being in a shared work environment in addition to finding a teammate, or with a Develop your team skills. Also in the world of startups, it is impossible to go through a hundred years in one night, friends can achieve their goals with patience and skill.

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