
A sentence that should not be a problem

According to IRNA; The Taekwondo Federation election assembly was held on Wednesday, January 6, at the Persian Hall of the National Olympic Academy, and finally Hadi Saei was elected as the new president of the Olympic Federation with 29 votes against 27, but his ruling has not been issued yet.

The reason for not issuing this ruling is that Hadi Saei did not receive half plus one vote in the assembly. The Taekwondo Federation election assembly started with the presence of 57 people and out of the 5 candidates present, three (Jamshidi, Hosseinzadeh and Rezaei) withdrew and only two people participated in the elections. Benjamin Shokoohifar did not vote as chairman of the assembly at the time of voting.

While it is said that the Legal Department of the Ministry of Sports has approved the Taekwondo elections and announced that a hasty verdict will be issued, in a meeting on Saturday, January 16th, the issue was referred to the Legal Department of the Presidential Institution for inquiry.

On the other hand, according to the statutes of sports federations, the General Assembly is considered the highest decision-making body, and delays in not issuing a decree can make the taekwondo situation critical.


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