
A woman, menstruation and pregnancy calendar week by week

Talking about women’s health and health, most of the time, they face various challenges. Although in recent years, women’s issues have become more serious. Regardless of gender issues, women’s health also affects the society. Issues such as menstrual health, infertility, trying to get pregnant, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, etc. are of special importance.

Today, women are more comfortable talking about their problems, and information about women’s health and personal health has increased compared to the past. In the meantime, some startups have taken bold steps in the direction of awareness. “Yek Zan” startup has also addressed solutions related to the field of women.

a woman It provides services in three different fields to address women’s concerns. Also, by allocating space to experts and creating a discussion forum, it has addressed less frequently asked questions and conversations. Follow Ecomotive’s conversation with Alireza Rafati, the co-founder of One Woman:

Please introduce yourself and tell about your work background.

My name is Alireza Refati, born in 1364, I am a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering majoring in hardware. I have mostly spent my work experience in the field of commerce. After that, together with one of my old friends, we have started a company in the field of website design and digital marketing.

In this company, we have done things in the field of hosting, website design and digital marketing. We have been working in that company for about three to four years. After some time, we have decided to start our own favorite project. We have been working on the One Woman project for three years now.

What services does a woman’s application provide?

A woman is an application in the field of women’s health and hygiene, and it provides services that require checking and monitoring for women, during different times. The application operates in three groups, tracking cycles and menstrual periods, pregnancy and breastfeeding of mothers.

In addition to that, women have the possibility to talk and ask for opinions in the forum of the application, and through that they can learn about each other’s opinions in relation to the issues they face.

On the other hand, we have created tools for monitoring health, and we have also provided a contact section with specialists, which consists of: gynecologists, midwives, pediatricians, and general practitioners. In addition to all those things, we also produce content in the video and podcast section.

Where did the idea of ​​a woman’s application start?

The idea of ​​its formation started when my wife was pregnant and we decided to travel to Kish. After that, at the flight gate, we have noticed that for air flights, it is necessary to carry a doctor’s letter. On the other hand, we had no information and experience in this field.

After that trip, during investigations with our friends, we found that the field of women’s health is facing a lot of lack of awareness. That’s why we felt that a woman’s application should comprehensively respond to the needs of different groups.

What problems was a woman born to solve?

A woman has addressed solutions for women’s health. Before that, there was less talk about such issues, for reasons such as cultural issues and women not raising problems because of the taboos that existed. On the other hand, it has not been possible to continuously track health and to have its details available in the form of a health record.

As you mentioned, talking about such issues is often considered as breaking the norm, what difficulties did you face when starting this path?

Our challenges are not only specific to the beginning of the path, but we are still involved in different cases. But at the beginning, there were only three projects that worked on the same issues as a woman, and the situation was more difficult, because at that time we talked about issues that were not addressed due to red lines.

Our intention was not only women-related matters, if we take care and pay attention to women’s health, it will also affect the health of their spouses and the child that is born. On the other hand, lack of knowledge in various fields has caused unfortunate events.

Currently, active startups in the field of women have increased and the path to continue has become smoother. Also, with their help, women get through their problems more easily. A woman has also been well received until today, that’s why she has been able to act successfully.

A woman's application

What people do you work with?

The One Woman team consists of different departments, including Mr. Mehran Asghari, Mr. Mehrdad Asghari and myself, who are the co-founders of One Woman. Also, in other parts, the content production team provides text, video and podcast content in the One Woman app and Instagram. The product team, which is mainly focused on the active application, is formed by: designer, back-end and front-end, and finally the marketing team is responsible for introducing the application of a woman to users.

What specialties does a woman’s team of experts include?

Currently, our team of specialists includes: gynecologists, midwives, pediatricians, internal medicine, nutritionists, and in the future we will also add the psychology department. Meanwhile, gynecologists and midwives play the main role according to the structure of the application and the needs of the users.

One woman collection team

In what fields are a woman’s specialists providing services for women?

A woman’s experts answer users’ questions through phone calls and chat. On the other hand, they cooperate with us in the production of content in the form of videos and podcasts, which are available to users on the application and website of a woman.

What capabilities does a woman use in her team in the field of informing and presenting daily content?

Our team uses approved and active websites and articles in the field of women as their information sources. On the other hand, a woman’s communication with gynecology, obstetrics and obstetrics specialists is maintained continuously in order to publish valid articles.

Considering a woman’s continuous communication with specialists, what actions does your team take in the field of medical review and the credibility of its content?

The process we follow in the direction of content production is mainly in such a way that if we want to use an article on reputable sites, first the people who are responsible for content production translate the articles from approved sources.

After that, gynecologists and midwives experts review the article from a scientific point of view and carry out its scientific approvals. At the end, we also do the final revision of the article and publish it.

What is the reason for your team’s special desire to produce video content through experts in the field of women?

We have tried to be active in all areas of content. Video content is more popular because the user can see the expert, so it also communicates better. On the other hand, he is able to talk with that expert in the application, as a result, the video content is more satisfied by the users.

What are the benefits of being a member of a woman’s application?

Users who subscribe to the One Woman app have access to all available tools, and are also able to view podcasts and videos. Our podcasts have a variety of content, for example, in the podcasts, we have defined 40 weeks of pregnancy in the form of a story, our other plan is to publish podcasts in the field of various diseases.

Other tools of the application include videos that are provided to users in the form of training classes. In addition to the mentioned items, subscribers can purchase a package of their questions from the expert, with a discount.

Can its services be considered an alternative to visiting a doctor?

No, definitely a woman and other medical applications cannot replace visiting a doctor. Many of our experts also suggest seeing a doctor in person when giving advice to users.

Currently, we are looking to collect information about women’s monthly conditions that the user can use in the process of visiting a doctor, so that they can benefit from the guidance and consultation of a woman’s specialists before going to the doctor. .

In what dimensions does a woman provide what tools?

As I mentioned before, the tools and tests used in the application are different in three cases, including: menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding. For example, the menstrual tool contains the ovulation tool and women can use it to prevent pregnancy.

On the other hand, during pregnancy, they can monitor their weight status and notice their weight gain and loss. In the field of breastfeeding, tools such as increasing the amount of breast milk and infant vaccination are available for users.

Along with them, we have provided tests to predict the condition of women, for example, pregnancy poisoning, based on the questions and answers during the test, it is predicted whether the user has suffered pregnancy poisoning or not.

Now that you have brought up the issue of tests, to what extent have the results of health assessment tests been validated in a woman’s application?

We only predict pre-checked and verified information according to users’ data, but many factors affect the test results, including: nutrition, mental and physical conditions. Therefore, the test results and tools in the application are not necessarily 100% correct and definitive.

What is the reason for a woman’s special attention to Instagram Lives and conversations with experts in the field of women?

We were one of the few startups that launched the first series of Instagram Lives. Live Instagram creates a space where users are in contact with the expert during the live. On the other hand, most of the time, the questions that are answered in the live are the concerns of other people, so following the live has been attractive for users.

When Instagram Lives are performed regularly and during planning, it will increase the level of awareness of followers on various topics. We have always tried to hold live shows with various experts in connection with various topics.

a woman

How has the interaction of users been in the discussion section based on interest?

We have created different sections in the discussion forum, based on that, a service has been provided so that users can talk to each other according to their interests.

In the next versions of the application, we are looking for that if the user is in one of the states of pregnancy, etc., which is in the application, he will not see the parts that are not related to his condition, and the application will describe the cases related to the user’s condition in a more detailed way. , as a result, to have better access to the departments.

How many active users does a woman include?

We have had more than 400,000 installs, which are the total of Cafe Bazaar and Google Play installs.

What has been the result of being in this competitive environment for you?

The advantage of the competitive environment is that it forces us to provide better services and it improves the system, as a result, the level of user satisfaction increases. If this competitive environment had not been created, perhaps we would not have made so much effort to investigate our problems and growth, on the other hand, it would lead to providing the best services with high speed and quality.

What plan do you have in mind to expand your services?

The program that a woman has in mind is to add features to the application that are mainly aimed at improving the service, accessibility and satisfaction of the users as much as possible.

How is the status of a woman these days?

Currently, due to the conditions prevailing in the country, we are going through a difficult path and we are involved with issues such as the Corona pandemic, remote work and its coordination. I hope that the situation will improve as soon as possible so that we can start working on a smoother path.

A woman's startup

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