
Arous App, a marketplace for wedding services

Arous App is the name of a startup that was created with the aim of connecting young couples with collections that provide wedding services. In fact, this application is a police market where you can find most of the services related to wedding ceremonies and at the same time, it also provides the possibility of buying installments and buying loans for young couples. To learn more about this application, send a message to the founder Bride of App We also talked, which we invite you to read:

First, introduce yourself and tell us how you came up with the idea of ​​bride app?!

I’m Mayay Miley and MA Marketing I have. Before Arous App, I was working in the automatic shutter market, and with the increase in competition in the market, I decided to design an application to get closer to the end customer and start selling my products through that, and this was the beginning of my entry into the world. Startup.

After 6 months, one of my friends and I decided to create a more exciting experience and in 1995 we registered a company and formed a think tank and based on our previous experiences we started several startups. Startup We hit, one of which was Arous App. In my opinion, this was our first mistake that instead of focusing on one thought and Ideas Let’s put all our strength with Fund With the limited we had, we started 4 very exciting ideas and you can certainly guess what happened to us. After spending a lot of money to collect the team (which is one of the most important concerns of every startup), we had to leave the work halfway because we ran out of capital. This was while among the 4 ideas, only Arous App had reached the MVP stage. Therefore, we decided to put it in 2 versions of Android and iOS in Cafe Bazar and Play Store, and by the way, we also met with a very good reception, and in less than 2 months, we had more than 12,000 installs, and we were chosen as the application selected by the directors of Cafe Bazar. But unfortunately we had no more money left and we had to close the company and it even got to the point where after some time we could not pay the server fees and our data was completely lost. After this, my partner was disappointed and left his shares to me.

After that, I worked 2 or 3 more times with teams that unfortunately did not succeed in working together for many reasons, but in these years I learned many experiences and saw many courses and also talked with many mentors. Finally, in the middle of 2016, I managed to form a good team with several of my friends who had a lot of experience and each of them was proficient in their field of activity. Of course, I would like to add that more than their skill, I owed their commitment and patience in doing the work.

How many people are in your team now and what are their specialties?

Currently, there are 4 of us, apart from me and my friends Mr. Rouzbe Yeganeh, who is responsible for programming the website SEO Also, Hamidreza Azarkhil is responsible for designing the site’s UI/UX and Mr. Amirhossein Naqshzan is also responsible for the production of our mobile application.

Do you have competitors? If so, what is your competitive advantage over your competitors?

We have several competitors in the market, if you allow me, I will not mention their names, but I will say that our most important competitive advantage over our competitors is artificial intelligence and the algorithm that we used on our site, and based on that, according to the budget and the number of guests of each couple, all We manage and plan the stages of their marriage and based on that, we offer our users the best service providers in Arous App, while our competitors only show a few ads of service providers to the audience.

Also, we tried to be very useful and efficient for our other range of clients who are wedding service providers and we do TTL ads to provide them with the best clients.

Have you ever received important feedback from your users that led to product improvements?

Yes, we always receive feedback from our customers and we tried to think as much as we could to find the best solution for each of them. For example, one of the first feedbacks related to receiving information from users before entering our application was that it was difficult for them to register, and we defined this process in a different way after that.

Arous App, an application that claims to have the largest database of wedding service providers.

How was your process of capital attraction and acceleration? And whether you intend to attract capital or not.

So far, we have carried out our work in a bootstrap manner and did not attract capital, but last month we participated in the Innotex International Exhibition to be able to attract capital, and thank God the reception was very good, and we talked to several investors at the exhibition, and now we have We will have additional talks with them to see, God willing, what results we will reach.

Have you planned any other services to be provided on Arous App platform?

We have currently planned 3 phases for Arous App, and our current product only has the modules related to phase one, and we plan to add the next services with the passage of time after attracting capital.

Have you faced any special challenges in developing your business? How did you meet them?

The most important challenge we are facing, like all multi market places, is to create a correct balance between the number of attendants and our brides and grooms, which has been very difficult and important for us to manage so far.

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