According to the reporter of Mehr, after the strange and unprecedented events on the last day of the World Hopes Championship, which caused the elimination of our country’s Azadkar and the loss of the championship of the Iranian team, the wrestling federation promised to deal with all aspects of the incident without compliments and seriously. did
In this regard, the meeting of the disciplinary committee of the wrestling federation was held on Tuesday last week with the presence of Alireza Debir and Ebrahim Mehraban, the president and secretary of the wrestling federation, as well as the members of the disciplinary committee and representatives of the Ministry of Sports, Mohsen Kaveh, the director of the national freestyle wrestling teams, Sajjad Gholami, the 86 kg national wrestler. , Omid Ghasemi, a physician, and Hadi Abbasi Mutlaq, responsible for the logistics of the expedition team, were held.
On the other hand, the head coach of the national freestyle wrestling team, Pejman Dashkar, and Ali Rouhi, the head of the freestyle wrestling team, Omid, also joined the meeting by phone, and finally, everything was postponed to the next meeting of this committee, which will be held 10 working days later.
Fatemeh Zarinmah, the head of the wrestling disciplinary committee, stated that the reason for not issuing a decision and the need to hold the next meeting was watching the videos of the events and receiving the relevant documents and reports from the Sports Medicine Federation, the representative of the Ministry of Sports and the World Wrestling Federation.
But the important point here is that despite the seriousness and frankness of the head of the wrestling federation regarding the follow-up and dealing with the main culprit or culprits, he should not place Sajjad Gholami as the offending freelancer on one side of the case and the rest of the people involved in this incident on the other side. In fact, the disciplinary committee of the federation and Alireza Debir as the helmsman of the Iranian ship should see everyone with the same eye, regardless of any relationship with individuals and regardless of their responsibility and role in the Omid team, so that no one’s rights are lost.
Fortunately, the secretary emphasized many times in the same meeting: “First of all, I ask everyone to consider God in your decisions and introduce the culprit or culprits.” As a result, you should examine all aspects of the story and then make a decision so that no one’s rights are lost.”
The need for a fair handling of this case has been brought up since many elders and veterans of our country’s wrestling regarding the disqualification of Sajjad Gholami in the world’s hopes tournament believe that this issue has different dimensions and it should not be seen 100% from the eyes of the athlete. In explaining this violation, the members of the Omid team’s technical staff should also be held accountable, and finally the wrestling federation should issue the best and fairest decision regarding the violator or violators.
According to Mehr reporter, not long ago, our country’s freestyle wrestling team won the runner-up position in the under-23 world championship in Spain with a slight difference with the Georgian team. The Georgian team stood on the first place in the world with 141 points, and the students of Pejman Dostrakkar were the runners-up with 134 points. But the main reason for losing the championship trophy was a bitter incident on the final day of this tournament, which gave Iran wrestling a big shock. An incident during which Sajjad Gholami, a freestyler weighing 86 kg of our country, was disqualified from the competition due to a strange and ambiguous violation, and while he could have earned the necessary points for Iran’s championship by continuing his fight in the losers group and reaching the ranking meeting. to win, a questionable action, took away the championship trophy from Iran.