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Bahman head coach: The weakness of the national women’s basketball team is the lack of tall players

“Farinaz Tayerpour” said in an interview with IRNA sports reporter on Tuesday: “Some prominent teams from the Premier League were not present this season, and their players were attracted to the teams of Schimider and Exxon.”

He added: “The league has not been bad so far, but the level of a series of teams is not good. Some teams came straight to the Premier League, but a team must first gain experience in the second division, first division and then the Premier League, and Exxon has the same experience and is a good team.

The head coach of the Bahman women’s basketball team said: “Teams should have a better level of play, and some teams transfer the game to the opposing team with a big difference, and this is not good for the women’s basketball league.”

He added: “The more we play against stronger teams, the more interesting the games become.” However, lower level teams have young players and a good future. This year the teams were not strong and some of the teams did not have any friends at all. The level of refereeing was also good and the federation used young referees.

Tayerpour also said about the national team: the national team should also have a plan for a number of young people to train with adults. They have to have good bodybuilding and the main problem of the national team players is the lack of physical fitness, proper nutrition and not having a tall player. We have to accept the fact that the national women’s basketball team must have tall players to progress.

He continued: “The federation should call for attracting a lot of tall players, and if it works alongside it on physical fitness and nutrition, it can succeed.” In fact, the reason for the failure of the national women’s basketball team is the lack of tall players in the national team.

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