
Cooperation between Iran and Russia to fertilize clouds?! + movie

The head of the environmental organization said: cloud fertilization is very expensive and not economical. In response to a question about whether Iran and Russia are cooperating in the field of cloud fertilization, Water Industry Spokesman Issa Bozorgzadeh replied: About thirty years ago, the Water Research Institute made efforts in this field. Successes are relative and subject to various conditions. Cloudiness of clouds, in the sense of what kind of clouds we have; Are the clouds suitable; Whether the fertilization of the clouds has been done on time or not is one of the influential factors in this field. Therefore, this issue should be examined by considering all its dimensions; If this happens, we also welcome it. It should be noted that along with the decrease in rainfall, some rumors have also fueled concerns. Rumors such as the efforts of some neighbors to fertilize the clouds and make them rain within the boundaries of their own land, before the rain-making fronts enter Iran.

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