Banking and insuranceEconomical

Easy access to banking services with Mobile Welfare Bank

According to monetary financial news, the arrival of new technologies and technologies in the country’s banking system has caused both customers and bank managers to use and exploit new banking tools on their agenda. In this regard, the growing trend of using a variety of mobile smartphones and computers, has led to a variety of requests from customers to provide banking services on mobile, as an important tool in offline banking.
According to public relations reports Workers’ Welfare Bank, Mobile Welfare Bank is designed as an application tool with easy application for customers to use banking and non-banking services, the most prominent features of which can be mentioned as follows:
Ability to use on SMS / GPRS / WiFi platforms
Ability to view the list of main facilities and guarantors and pay their installments
Ability to use the second password and one-time password (OTP) to perform financial transactions in a secure environment
Ability to select the desired username
Pay the bill using the barcode reader
In order to create unity in the provision of electronic banking services, the Workers’ Welfare Bank has designed and prepared the mobile system of the Welfare Bank based on Android, iOS and PWA, and new versions of this system have been provided to customers.

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