Entrepreneurship and startup

Entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture in Sistan and Baluchestan receive special facilities

Gholam-Ali Samsami told IRNA on Monday that one of the most important programs on the agenda of the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund this year is the payment of facilities in the field of agriculture, processing of agricultural products, processing industries and production of livestock inputs, as well as completing the production chain and fisheries.
Regarding the details of the payment of these facilities, he added: “The granting of these facilities is from the sources of credits of paragraph A of Note 18 of the Budget Law of 1400 countries, and therefore people who work in the field of agriculture can benefit from it.”
The director of Omid Sistan and Baluchestan Entrepreneurship Fund, regarding how to introduce and register applicants, also said: “People should register in the cita Jihad-e-Keshavarzi system, which sends text messages to refer to the branches of the fund.”
He stated: the ceiling of these facilities for the implementation of agricultural investment projects up to 40 billion rials and with a fee of 10 percent will be provided.
Samsami continued: “These facilities are also provided for those who are looking for working capital, which applicants can benefit from up to five billion rials.”

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