Entrepreneurship and startup

Entrepreneurship is the priority of Borujerd Relief Committee in empowering clients

In an interview with IRNA reporter on Wednesday, Mohammad Bajlan stated: In this regard, appropriate measures such as introducing sponsored clients to employers and paying facilities to employ clients or paying the employer’s insurance premium for 2 years, including this year So far, 20 people have been introduced in textile factories and other workshops in Borujerd.

He added: Every year, a number of supported clients participate in entrepreneurship classes and are given training related to entrepreneurship, which results in job creation and income for the clients.

The head of the Imam Khomeini (RA) Relief Committee, Boroujard, stated that 200 people have participated in the entrepreneurship classes of this support organization, and added: By participating in these classes, the clients will acquire the necessary skills for their recruitment and employment in companies and Factories are provided.

Stating that the employment policy of the relief committee is based on education, creating home-based jobs, small-scale and quick-yielding workshops, Bajlan said: employment plans for clients in various fields, services, handicrafts, animal husbandry, agriculture and transportation are implemented. has been These plans are implemented based on the environmental conditions of the applicants, their interest, talent and technical expertise, with the priority of the supported families and the children of the applicants.

Stating that this year, 361 loans have been paid for self-employment, he said: The important goal of the aid committee is to empower the needy and the covered clients by creating job opportunities and providing them with income-generating platforms. Empowerment and economic and livelihood independence of the target community should be provided.

The head of the Imam Khomeini (RA) Relief Committee of Borujerd reminded: The Relief Committee of Borujerd City provides support services to a total of 11,200 households with a population of 19,500 people in order to empower the beneficiaries and reduce poverty in needy families.

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