Farvardin: With sports diplomacy, we can host important Asian and global competitions

According to Fars news agency, Mohammad Mahdi Farvardin, the head of the Sports Commission of the Islamic Council, appreciated the efforts of the 13th government for the measures taken in the field of sports and stated: The 13th government showed that it is possible to communicate with neighboring countries by implementing the slogan of honor, wisdom and expediency. Without deviating a bit from the authoritative position.
Emphasizing the fact that the measures taken have created a wave of hope in the country and it is necessary to thank the President, he said: the sports community as a part of the country is not an exception to this rule and this interaction with other Countries have created good opportunities for the sport of the country. This is while in the not so distant past, due to the lack of communication with other countries, Iranian sports lost important points.
In another part of his speech, the representative of the people of Shiraz province pointed out the problems facing sports in the country and mentioned the lack of financial resources as one of the most important problems of the federations and explained: the financial and credit support of the Ministry of Sports and the National Olympic Committee, considering the currency conditions of the country. failed to meet the financial needs of federations.
He continued: In this regard, we suggest that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs interact more with the necessary consultations in the field of sports diplomacy and solve this problem by talking to the Minister of Economy or economic fields.
Farvardin drew attention to the issue of customs and imported equipment for some sports and said: We have federations that are forced to import their equipment and due to the customs issue, they are not able to benefit from those facilities at the appropriate time. In this connection, Your Excellency, have a negotiation with Khandoozi and resolve these issues.
He also mentioned attending important international events, hosting and organizing sports camps as other concerns of sports federations and explained: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can create suitable conditions for obtaining important seats by supporting the heads of sports federations with expert consultations. We can also hold sports camps or important competitions including Asian and world competitions in our country.
Farvardin further appreciated the financial discipline of sports federations and said: Considering this importance, we should try to provide the field of championship and professional development for different fields in the country by using foreign coaches.
At the end of his speech, he stated that sports is the shortest way to communicate with other countries and said: All diplomacy is hidden in sports and this area should be viewed as an opportunity.
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