
Fidibook and Fidibox, new features from Fidibo

Fidibo is one of the most well-known companies of the Digikala group, which operates in the field of content, especially e-books. This cultural business has been able to become a prominent name in the publishing industry for several years.

A short interview with Ali Allameh on behalf of Fidibo and Product owner We have had Fidibook and Fidibox and we asked him to tell us about their new services.

Tell us a little about Fidibo’s activities.

Fidibo initially started its work with Android, iOS and Windows platforms, and now we have provided the possibility of supporting the web platform, and users can read books on our website without installing the application.

As you know, Fidibo is one of the first and largest electronic book distributors in Iran. The products that Fidibo exhibited at this year’s Elcomp exhibition are Fidibox and Fidibo.

Fidibook was unveiled for the first time in April 2017 and was very well received. In fact, this product is the first Persian language e-reader that works based on the Android operating system. The development of this operating system has been completely done by the technical team of Fidibo and it can be said that Fidibook is the first version in the form of full customization of Persian Android in Iran.

work this book reader It is generally reading books. Also, this product is equipped with features such as dictionary, browser, screen brightness adjuster, note taking and 8 GB of internal memory.

Facebook compared to Kindle which is a prominent foreign example has advantages. Kindle has a price of 1,900,000 Tomans, but the price of Fidbook on the DigiKala website is 895,000 Tomans. The Fidbook supports memory upgrade while the Kindle does not.

Fidebook has a screen light, but Kindle does not have such a possibility. Likewise, the quality of the feedbook page has a resolution of 768×1024 and its dpi is 212. While the Kindle resolution is 600×800. Users can also read non-Fidibook books on Fidebook. This possibility is provided for books with different extensions such as epub, text, etc. During these two years, we have provided many updates and update packages for Facebook users, and we have fixed many of the device’s bugs and improved the device’s capabilities.

Another product that has been operating in Iran’s subways for about two years is Fidibox. This service allows users to spend the time they spend on the subway in idleness and study. That too for free and without paying a fee.

By bringing the phone close to the device and following the instructions that only take 5 seconds, users can read for free online for about an hour. We have placed these feedback boxes in the 5 booths of the Elcomp exhibition for people to use.

So you currently have three products?

Yes. Fidibo, Fidibook and Fidibox.

How have these tools been received? One of the criticisms that we often hear is that the Iranian people are not very educated per capita, but few accurate statistics have been presented in this regard. Maybe you can provide us with better statistics.

We took statistics from the devices in Mehr 2017, when almost 6 months had passed since the presentation of Fidibox. About 60,000 hours of online study had been done inside the subway. Considering the fact that we do not charge any money from users for this study and we provide this service completely free of charge, this can be considered as a contribution to promote the reading culture.

On the other hand, this device does not harm the eyes and does not cause the fatigue that occurs when reading with a monitor and LCD.

Tell us a little about social responsibility in Fidibo and the specific social impact it can have. What positive role does Fidibo play in creating social changes?

Our product is a green product and prevents waste of paper. On the other hand, considering the current economic situation and taking into account the fact that we have had an increase in the price of paper at the global level, I think that Fidibo products will be a great help to the general public, students and students so that they can get the books they need. Get it at a much lower price.

Do you have a special plan to further develop your products? Recently, it can be seen that more maneuvers have been given to audio books.

Yes. We added microbooks to the collection. With the help of these books, you can have a summary of your desired book in a very short time at a much lower price or even for free. We have also prepared a number of microbooks for audio books. Likewise, we have developed more in the field of audio books.

Considering the problems that ios users have had and Apple banned Iranian products, we made a lot of effort to place our application on the App Store. Many companies have not yet succeeded in doing this. We also prepared the possibility of online reading so that users can use it. It is currently in beta and we will have major updates for Fidibo in the future.

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