Pasargad insurance ranks first in the profit per share index in 1400

According to the financial news report, quoted by the stock market monitoring, based on the statistics published in the publishers’ comprehensive information system, the review of the one-year performance of insurance companies active in the capital market shows that Pasargad Insurance Company has brought the most profit per share to its shareholders last year. . According to the information and statistics of the year 1400, the profit per share of the company was 1,019 Rials, of which 105 Rials were allocated as cash profit per share to the shareholders and the rest for the second phase of capital increase approved by the General Assembly dated 10/08/1400 From the amount of 30,618 billion Rials to 58,174.2 billion Rials, it has been used from the accumulated profit and capital reserves.
In 1400, Pasargad Insurance Company generated more than 72,770 billion rials in insurance premiums by issuing more than 8,212,000 insurance policies, which shows a 45% increase compared to the previous year and was able to rank fourth. In terms of production insurance premium among insurance companies. Also, the amount of damages paid by this company in 1400 was more than 18,801 billion Rials, which has increased by 54% compared to last year.
Obtaining a level of financial solvency of insurance institutions with a 304% solvency ratio with the approval of Central Insurance J.A. Iran, obtaining the first rank in terms of “total factor productivity” in the group of insurance institutions in the 24th ranking of Iran’s top companies, obtaining the title of “popular national brand” among private insurance companies, receiving the commendation plaque of the 12th edition of Iran’s national financial management award. For desirable and worthy performance in the fields of financial management, financial and economic transparency, getting the first favorite brand award in the field of life insurance, in the national festival “Consumers’ Favorite Brand” and getting the social responsibility management award with the support of Iran Management Association. The honors of this insurance company.