According to Mehr’s reporter, “Keshti” long ago Majors Sport “Bamram» I see And there are “fighters” who were respected and trusted by the people of Iran since the past, and those who worked in this field have a special place in the eyes of the people. Oh you they had. But now a president has taken responsibility in the federation of this field whose behavior is contradictory to the spirit of wrestling and what is in the minds of the people.
Alireza Debir, who is one of the heroes and medalists Avran is wrestling and has the “eligibility” to be the head of this discipline, in his latest action he appointed a journalist who was present at the Mazandaran Province Wrestling Board Assembly. Carry two words That’s an insult Amez He was kicked out of the meeting with an inappropriate tone and “lord” manner; In front of the assembly members and people who were present in the hall.
this the first It is not a burden that the “Secretary” as the person in charge of the field that should include ethics and human behavior his priority and the respect of “elder”, “veteran” and “man” is the top of his work, he violates the respect of people and in Total address with inappropriate words Sean he does.
Previously, he had a verbal conflict with high-level sports officials in numerous meetings and meetings and used words a slave that Zibande was not and is not a president of the federation and a national hero. A president who has been relatively successful in his work and has turned the physical structure of the federation into one of the best collections of Iranian sports should as much which gives importance to physical construction, should also pay attention to “verbal” and “verbal” construction and “human behavior”.
Alireza Dabir, as the first person in the field of “wrestling” that has had heroes with morals and people, including “Gholamreza Takhti”, should be a teacher whose behavior and words can be a role model for the youth. As a member of the family of broken ears, he should not be heartbroken. A president who cannot be a good example of morals and human behavior, how can we expect national players and members of the technical staff of his teams to be like this?
Throwing out a “human being” with inappropriate words just because he used words against the wishes of Mr. Raees, was wrong and wrong, both in terms of human ethics and professional behavior. If Alireza Debir wanted to show that there is still integrity and knowledge in the ship, and it can still be called “Bamram“and he said “with knowledge”, he should have immediately apologized for his behavior and “raised” himself by appeasing that person. But he has forgotten how to grow up and become a teacher.

He is a “secretary” who failed to become a “teacher” and to update and standardize his behavior and actions as much as he developed and expanded the construction in the federation. If Alireza Debir wants to be a lasting name in the wrestling federation, he must “rebuild” the “human” part of his behavior and actions and build a new house full of appropriate literature and endless kindnesses next to his sports personality. If he continues his current course, he will turn everything he has built into an irreparable ruin.