According to Tasnim News Agency reporter from holy Mashhad“Unfortunately, we did not finish the previous game with a good result and we will enter the field tomorrow to compensate for this result, and very We hope to finish this game in our favor and, of course, good luck for this period of World Cup qualifiers. We do not have some of our players and this is a problem in our team, but I am very optimistic about tomorrow’s game so that we can show a good game.
“After the first defeat of the national team in the qualifying round of the 2022 World Cup, there were criticisms about the performance of the national team and you, and there were rumors that you may not be with the national team in the World Cup. “Doesn’t that bother you for tomorrow’s match as well as the World Cup draw?” In these two years that we did not lose, many people waited to be able to express their criticism of the national team, but I was completely calm with the talks that took place, and the Football Federation also stated its official position for these talks, and I did something. I do not have to add.
The head coach of our national football team continued: “I am not looking for an excuse for the result we got against Korea, but I must remind you that we did not have five players due to Corona and two due to injuries, and for a team like Iran when seven players are out of the squad.” It does not have 11 people, it will definitely be hard work.
“Of course, we also had a very long journey to play against Korea, and we set foot without preparation and without having a full team in training,” Skocic added.
In response to this year, what is his opinion on the issue that the future games of the national team will be held in other cities, he said: First of all, I must say that I have a very good feeling that we are in Mashhad now. Of course, this is not the first time I have come to this city. I have a favorable opinion that the national team sometimes goes to other cities and decentralizes, because the national team belongs to all the cities of the country, and people should have the chance to watch their national team play in the stadium.
The head coach of our national football team about the fact that he does not think that as the head coach of the Iranian national football team, if he behaved more expediently and invited the players that the society asked him to do, what he did not do during this period, he would have a safer position now. “This is his last press conference as Iran’s head coach,” he said. “All games are equally important to us.” If your opinion is that tomorrow’s game is of little importance, I must remind you that with our possible win in tomorrow’s game and Korea’s possible draw in the game with the UAE, the leading equations of this group will change.
He continued: “I must emphasize that the games we played before the game with Korea all had a final verdict for us and we tried to do our best, but we must also understand that a team may not have a good day.” And the opposing team will perform much better. Again, we did not have seven players, and if I was going to try things out and try and make mistakes, I would use these official games and evaluate my own ideas. In the end, all the players and staff of the national team worked amazingly, and I thank them.
“I do not know why you just call Korea a big game,” Skochic said. If you remember, in the previous stage games, we had four very vital games, and those games were also big games. I also understand that after the World Cup, expectations have risen to some extent and our ceremonial game with Korea is considered an important game. Of course, I am happy that the level of expectations from the national team has risen so much. Criticism is also normal. After 15 games without a loss, I know that there will be criticism and I will accept it with open arms, but in the end I am satisfied with the way we came.
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