Entrepreneurship and startup

Some news from Kurdistan University

According to IRNA’s report on Thursday, the 14th international movement festival, focusing on the works and achievements of unions and student scientific associations, focusing on the top association, top union, top university, creative activity, special section, entrepreneurship, books, digital content, competition and The publication was held.

Kurdistan University’s Urban Planning Scientific Association won the third national rank in the top association section of the group in this international movement festival.

This festival was hosted by Tehran University and with the participation of student scientific associations of universities across the country, they competed in five scientific groups: basic sciences, veterinary medicine and agriculture, art and architecture, engineering and humanities.

The expert team of Kurdistan University among the 10 selected teams reached the third and final stage of the business competition

The Kurdistan University team, as the only city team participating in the first stage of the business league, competed with 46 other teams from Tehran universities and was able to be among the 23 teams selected for the second stage.

Also, in the second stage, which was held at Tehran University’s Faculty of Management, Kurdistan University was among the 10 teams that qualified for the third and final stage of the competition.

Kurdistan University’s four-person team consists of Milad Khazaian (Senior in Strategic Management), Sarmuddin Eftekhari (Senior in Marketing Management), Donya Ghasemi (Senior in Entrepreneurial Management) and Sahar Tau (Senior in Marketing Management) who participated in these competitions on behalf of Kurdistan University’s Department of Business Management have been sent

Sponsors of the above event are the famous brands Zamzam, Snap, Nestlé, Kale, Cruise, Tipax and Data Kavan.

The need to attract innovative and technological researchers

The Kurdistan University Council meeting was held with the agenda of presenting the performance report of entrepreneurship development management, growth and innovation centers, and also presenting the preparation report for celebrating half a century of activity of the Kurdistan University.

In this meeting, the Director of Entrepreneurship Development, Growth and Innovation Centers presented a report on the programs of this area, pointed out the measures taken in order to operationalize the determined programs and stated: In 1400, knowledge-based companies had 105 human resources, which according to their statistics They have sold 622 million tomans of products.

Zahid Shami mentioned the lack of human resources, the lack of financial resources and the lack of cooperation of the academic staff among the challenges in this field and added: We must bring the university to a high level in the field of innovation and technology, and although we have had good growth so far, but with the continuation of these conditions We will not be able to make much progress.

In this meeting, the faculty member of the University of Kurdistan stated in relation to the non-cooperation of the faculty members with this center: the incentive regulations of the ministry may be a stimulus for the cooperation of the faculty members, but the facilitation of technological grants and obtaining facilities can also help.

Abdullah Salimi emphasized that the potential in the science and technology park, Azad University and the private sector should be used in the growth and innovation center of the university in order to make optimal use of the existing potential and start a business.

In the continuation of this meeting, the vice president of research and technology of Kurdistan University stated: Most of the time of the vice president of research is spent on creating the infrastructure of the technological ecosystem and innovation centers of the university because it is important for us in several ways.

Kiyomarth Karmi mentioned the “City Innovation Center” and added: City Innovation Center, a space of about one thousand square meters on two floors, which includes 21 units, which provides a very suitable platform for the use of Kurdistan University students.

He said: Specialized clinics in the field of humanities, social innovation center, engineering faculty innovation center, carpet innovation center in Bijar will all be a breath-taking marathon to get funding, and so far we have received 12 billion funds outside of the approved university budget for these centers.

Referring to the importance of rankings for universities, Kerami added: In the international rankings and ISC rankings of the country’s universities, the topic of technology is about 20% important, which is examined based on the number of established companies, technology units, as well as the amount of employment and income generation.

The President of Kurdistan University in the final part of the meeting of the University Council while referring to the selection of the slogan of production, knowledge-based and job creation by the supreme leader of the revolution for this year, stated: this slogan increases our duty and creates opportunities for us. We must take advantage of them.

Referring to the increasing importance of innovation and technology in universities, Rahmat Sadeghi added: Science and technology parks and other growth centers cannot be compared with universities because technology and innovation require infrastructure such as libraries, laboratories, equipment and farms, all of which are in universities. are best available.

The President of Kurdistan University emphasized that the University of Kurdistan has no restrictions in providing resources or in the space required for the activities of these centers, and said: by encouraging and persuading people, this culture should be institutionalized and it is necessary to take measures in this direction among faculties, groups and students.

He called for the use of all ways to attract people who can direct their research towards innovation and technology and knowledge-based companies.

In a report, the cultural and social vice president of Kurdistan University explained the actions taken by the university to celebrate its 30th anniversary and said: forming a policy council, choosing a slogan through polls, designing a banner and preparing an oral history of the university are among the measures that have been taken so far in this regard. has taken.

Roshan Khoshnavazi added: All the programs are going well and with the arrangements made, the grand celebration of the 30th anniversary of the university will be held in September.

University professors should carry out their mission towards students well

Pointing out that the role of a teacher is not limited to teaching and training, the head of the office of the legal representative of the University of Kurdistan stated: The role of a teacher and trainer is a heavy one, and their behavior, behavior and attitudes have an impact on students.

Hojjat-ul-Islam Abbas Ali Farhangian emphasized that the way teachers and professors dress and speak has an impact on students and students, and added: As a road map for human happiness, the Holy Qur’an considers cultivation before education, and the main mission of the prophets is cultivation. It is necessary for teachers to pay more attention to the aspect of education and cultivation in the classroom.

Referring to the effect of professors’ negligence on students and causing them to suffer various injuries, he added: If professors see a student’s concern, they should communicate with him so that the student understands their mutual love and knows that they are not indifferent to him and without a doubt. This behavior will affect the student.

He mentioned the duties of the heads of faculties and said: Heads of faculties are responsible for all issues and problems of the faculty.

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