
Status of the status determination committee; Oil, machine building and fans were fined

Mizan News Agency – According to the official website of the Football Federation, the votes issued by the players’ status determination committee are as follows:

Gym Tabriz Machine Building Because of the complaint Ninety-six million eight hundred and ninety four thousand five hundred rials Mahmoud Nasiri was sentenced to pay the original claim along with the court fees, based on the verdict.

Mohammad Ali Safia regarding the demand Nine hundred million rials From the club Masjed Soleyman Oil He complained that the club was sentenced to pay seven hundred and eighty-eight million rials and court fees.

In Shahin Shafiee’s complaint against the club Arman Gohar Sirjan Regarding the demand of one billion, one hundred and twenty-five million rials, the players’ status determination committee rejected his complaint and declared it unreasonable.

Peyman Salehi complains about the club Fans To demand Six hundred million rials, Was voted by the club to pay five hundred and sixty eight million rials to the plaintiff, including court costs.

In the form of a complaint, Ali Mahmoudi demanded the payment of 400 million Rials by Nasr Ferdis Alborz Club, which is the payment of this amount and the cost of the proceedings by the club. The vote was issued by the players’ status determination committee.

In the case of Ali Akbarkhah’s complaint against Badran Club to demand one hundred and sixty-three million and two hundred and ninety thousand Rials, the committee rejected the status of the plaintiffs and announced the rejection of the lawsuit.

Pouria Gholami filed a complaint with the Kerman Copper Club demanding a claim of five hundred and seventy-five million rials, but the players’ status determination committee rejected his complaint and declared it inadmissible.

With the complaint of Massoud Abbaszadeh from Shahriar Machine-Building Club for demanding four hundred and eighty million Rials, the players’ status determination committee voted to pay this amount and court costs by the club.

Mehrdad Zohri’s complaint against the Fooman Municipality Club in demanding six hundred million rials led to the club being sentenced to pay the original claim of the plaintiff and also to pay the court fees.

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