Entrepreneurship and startup

The deviation of Omid Fund facilities in Lorestan is less than three percent

In an interview with IRNA on Saturday, “Hossein Biranvand” stated that four thousand and 231 job opportunities were created or stabilized with this amount of facilities and added: One of the most specialized monitoring of the facilities paid by the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund is through “Saman” system takes place.

He stated: More than 97% of the facilities paid by Omid Lorestan Entrepreneurship Fund have reached the stage of implementation, exploitation and sustainable employment, which is between 97 and 98% in the country.

He said that Omid Entrepreneurship Fund had the highest employment rate and continued: Lorestan Fund is among the top 10 units in the country and has no problem in paying facilities, so the media is expected to inform about the services of this fund for remote areas and deprived areas. to take advantage of this opportunity.

Biranvand added: Last year, the memorandum of understanding of the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund was concluded with the first vice president regarding the revival of stagnant production units, and in this regard, it was decided to restart 1,000 units nationwide.

He stated: Lorestan’s share in this regard is at least 10 units, which we are in the process of identifying and obtaining licenses, and in this regard, the maximum amount of facilities paid per unit is four billion tomans.

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