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The hosting of Asian men’s volleyball championship has arrived in Urmia – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr News Agency, citing the public relations of the Volleyball Federation, while the city of Tehran was announced as the host of the Asian Men’s Volleyball Championship in 2023, with the request and follow-up of the officials of the West Azarbaijan province to host this competition, Dr. Mohammad Reza Davarzani, the president Volleyball Federation in the direction of honoring the interest of provinces and cities in the sport of volleyball and growth Development This sport in interested cities raised this issue with the officials of the Asian Volleyball Confederation.

With the approval of the highest Asian volleyball body regarding the possibility of changing the host city in the case of a guarantee and guaranteeing the head of the volleyball federation to hold these competitions as well as possible, Mohammadreza Davarzani, the head of the volleyball federation, along with Vahid Moradi, the vice president of the federation, left this morning (Sunday, June 21). They became Urmia.

After arriving in Urmia, the referee met and talked with Bairami, the director general of sports and youth of the province, and Peyman Rezaei, the head of the provincial volleyball board, and then immediately used the hardware facilities of Urmia, as well as the 6,000-seat halls of Ghadir and 3,000-seat Martyrs of Urmia to host this event. Competitions visited.

The head of the volleyball federation then discussed the requirements of Urmia and the commitments of the province to host about 600 foreign guests in a meeting with Mohammad Sadegh Motamedian, the governor of West Azarbaijan, whose pursuits played a role in changing the hosting of these competitions. It’s great to hold the Asian men’s volleyball championship 2023 appointed

After reviewing all the cases and determining the obligations of the parties, the memorandum of understanding for Urmia to host the Asian Men’s Volleyball Championship in 2023 was prepared and signed by the parties in the Sports Council of West Azarbaijan province.

Also, Adel Birami, Director General of Sports and Youth of West Azarbaijan province, as the high secretary of organizing competitions, and Peyman Rezaei, the head of the province’s volleyball board, as the executive director of organizing Asian men’s volleyball championships. 2023 were appointed

The 22nd edition of Asian Men’s Volleyball Championship will be held from August 28 to September 4, hosted by Urmia, with the participation of 18 teams.

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