The net profit of 6 months of Omid’s investment was equivalent to the whole year of 1400

According to financial news, Mohammad Ali Shirazi, director of Omid Investment Company, explained the performance of Omid Investment Group in the meeting of directors and members of the board of directors of subsidiaries of Omid Investment Management Group, which was held in the presence of the CEO of Sepeh Bank, and pointed to the project Hai Boghor in action said: In terms of the projects that have been carried out in the past 18 months; In Gehrzamin Iron and Steel Company, a 2 million ton pellet project was put into operation, which provides about 200 direct employment opportunities and 500 indirect employment opportunities.
He also stated that an investment of 2500 billion tomans has been made in this project, and said that the cold iron briquette factory of Kavand Nahan Zameen Company is in operation, which provides direct employment for about 200 people.
According to him, this project has been made in order to produce 70 thousand tons with an investment of 700 billion tomans.
He announced that the cathode copper production company in Kazakhstan will be opened in late November. He announced the investment amount of this plan as 630 billion tomans and said: This plan; It is the only mining project abroad that has been successfully put into operation.
Shirazi also pointed out the investments made in this group: In total, currently, the three main mining companies have about 39 thousand billion Tomans or about 4 billion dollars of investment on their agenda, which in 1400; About 8400 billion of it was made and in the first 6 months of 1400 about 5 thousand billion Tomans were the cost of current projects.
He also said: Jask project, which was almost stopped; It has been active since March of last year, and within 6 months, its progress reached from 40% to 65%. Hopefully, next month, the first dike related to reservoirs will be built. It will be delivered to the Ministry of Petroleum.
According to him, Omid Tabanhor Energy Management Company also has a 546 megawatt power plant in operation, which was started in March of last year and requires an investment of about 7 thousand billion tomans.
Shirazi added: Jask power plant has 83% physical progress and God willing, it will be put into operation in February 1401.
He emphasized: Due to the efforts of Kirtire Company, the 14,000-ton radial tire production project will also be put into operation at the end of November 1401, and at the same time, the implementation of the OTR and TBR tire project with a capacity of 50,000 tons will be keyed, which is very necessary for the country. and we are almost the absolute importer of these tires, which will be put into operation in 1403 and will have an investment of 6 thousand billion Tomans.
He further announced that the net profit of Omid Investment Group during the 6 months of 1401 was equivalent to the entire year 1400, and regarding the group’s performance in terms of profit and loss, he said: The net profit of the Omid Investment Group during the 6 months of 1401 was equivalent to the entire year 1400 Is.
Shirazi, mentioning that the achievements of this collection are the result of the efforts and efforts of all those who are working in this group on behalf of thousands of people in companies and factories; He emphasized: Over the past year and a half, Omid Group has been active in increasing the capital of its subsidiaries to the amount of 21 thousand billion tomans, which by exploiting the relevant projects; The profit of the future years of Omid collection will be guaranteed.
The CEO of Omid Investments also said: During the 6 months ending on July 31, 1401, Omid Group had an operating profit equal to 12,800 billion Tomans, and the net profit was approximately 13,000 billion Tomans, which is 53% compared to last year. We had a growth in net profit and it was almost equivalent to the whole year of 1400 six months profit.
Emphasizing the quality of the group’s profit, Shirazi said: In 2019; 14% of Omid Group’s profit was from the purchase and sale of shares and 79% was related to the dividends of subsidiaries. This figure during 6 months of 1400; It reached 97% and today 99% of Omid Group’s profit is related to the DPS of investment companies, which shows a significant growth in terms of profit quality.
Shirazi continued by estimating the financial profit of 1401 and pointed out the 63% increase in performance compared to the previous fiscal year and noted: the profit of the 1401 fiscal year will amount to 20 thousand billion tomans, which is about 63% profit compared to last year and compared to the past two years; Almost 3 times the profit will be realized.
Stating the initial offering of subsidiary companies, Shirazi stated: In the past 18 months, the initial offering of 4 companies, Sirjan Steel, Gohar Trabar Transport, Ghadir Iranian Iron and Steel, and Shahroud Steel, as well as the Asianama company, have been listed on Darj and others. We also prepared the companies to enter the capital market in order.
Shirazi, expressing a deep structural change in the group, noted: This belief has been formed in the group that based on transparency and enjoying the benefits of the systems, the affairs of the Omid Investment Group can be completed with the systems.
According to him, this system relatively reduces human intervention and minimizes mistakes, and is more accurate and provides more detailed reports.
He also emphasized: We are looking to have 5 systems in Omid company. Omid’s budget system (SABA), Omid’s managers and appointments system (SAMA), Omid’s real estate monitoring system (SERA), Omid’s legal system (SAHA), Omid’s performance monitoring and evaluation system (SANA), the first two systems have been put into operation. For example, in the system of appointing someone who wants to become a member of the board of directors or the CEO of the company; The information should be loaded into the system and based on the pattern designed for this system; be evaluated and placed in the scoring process based on system requests.
He further said: In this system, 70% of the points belong to the performance, resume, educational qualifications, work experience, etc., and 30% of the points are obtained in the appointment committee. The CEO of Omid Investment, referring to the requirement for companies to use the capacities of the commodity exchange, said: In the last few years, the utilization of the capacities of the commodity exchange by large investing companies has been established in such a way that transactions are carried out in the commodity exchange. . In 2019, the total transactions of three large metal companies were 4,300 billion Tomans, in 1400 this figure reached 1,700 billion Tomans, and since the beginning of 1401, up to 27 billion Tomans transactions of large mineral complexes have been carried out in the stock exchange. Is.