
The price of the best-selling Peugeot 405 in the market went up / How much is the GLX? + table

By reading the table below, more information about Daily price of Peugeot 405 cars you will get

Daily price of Peugeot 405 cars

brandmodel (year of manufacture)Functionprice (tomans)
Peugeot 405 GLX dual fuel1401 taxisZero410,000,000
Peugeot 405 GLX dual fuel1400 taxisZero345,000,000
Peugeot 405 SLX1400Zero520,000,000
Peugeot 405 GLX gasoline139834,000385,000,000
Peugeot 405 GLX gasoline1395100,000290,000,000
Peugeot 405 GLX dual fuel1385290,000175,000,000
Source: Bama

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