The price of the best-selling Peugeot 405 in the market went up / How much is the GLX? + table

By reading the table below, more information about Daily price of Peugeot 405 cars you will get
brand | model (year of manufacture) | Function | price (tomans) |
Peugeot 405 GLX dual fuel | 1401 taxis | Zero | 410,000,000 |
Peugeot 405 GLX dual fuel | 1400 taxis | Zero | 345,000,000 |
Peugeot 405 SLX | 1400 | Zero | 520,000,000 |
Peugeot 405 GLX gasoline | 1398 | 34,000 | 385,000,000 |
Peugeot 405 GLX gasoline | 1395 | 100,000 | 290,000,000 |
Peugeot 405 GLX dual fuel | 1385 | 290,000 | 175,000,000 |
Source: Bama |