
10,000 unlicensed real estate trading companies were identified – Tejaratnews

A member of the Construction Commission of the Islamic Parliament said: One of the reasons for the disorder in the housing market is due to the residential real estate trading companies that operate without a license and play an effective role in raising prices in the housing market with mushroom growth.

According to Tejarat News, Ismail Hossein Zahi said about the role of the real estate trading company in the organization of the housing market: following several investigations conducted by the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, many real estate trading companies have unrealistically raised the prices, while there is no They were licensed.

He further stated: One of the reasons for the disorder in the housing market is due to the residential real estate trading companies that have mushroomed and can cause effective changes in prices. Fortunately, with the efforts of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development and high supervision, more than 10,000 real estate trading companies that were operating illegally and without licenses were sealed. These supervisions are definitely not ineffective.

This member of the Majlis Civil Commission stated that today the amount of housing rent is beyond the means of the workers and employees and the lower decile of the society, and clarified that the Majlis Civil Commission prepared a plan to organize the activities of housing companies, which was approved by the commission after review. . Now this project is under consideration in the parliament.

Source: ISNA

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