11 best horror movie masks

Charso Press: Obviously, the real face of a person can never be as scary as the face covered with a strange and frightening mask. There are many options for choosing a scary mask. For years, people around the world celebrate Halloween with the help of masks that are more strange and magnificent than previous years. Scary masks can reflect scary and ugly faces or depict icy faces that have gone down in history. These seemingly simple tools are mysterious and suspenseful, and until you remove them from the face of the other party, you cannot understand who is hiding behind them. They are also highly symbolic and have a special place in the folklore culture of different countries. The impact of masks in the horror genre is so great that a popular franchise was launched with the help of a hockey mask. This is you and these top 11 masks of horror movies that scared many audiences to the point of stroke.
11- screamScream)
While the “Scream” series of films are considered among the most classic films of the slasher genre, it is not actually the appearance of the mask itself that scares fans. This mask, which evokes Edvard Munch’s famous painting called The Scream, is used by serial killers known as Ghostface and changes almost every episode.
Although the scream mask has been a staple of Halloween for more than two decades and is a permanent Internet meme, it is not very scary in itself and its general form is more reminiscent of laughter than screams, and we have to admit that if the dark truth was not behind this mask at all We couldn’t put it on our list of the best horror movie masks.
10- trick or treatTrick ‘r‘ Treat)
This mask, made from a simple hemp sack, is completely reminiscent of the famous Halloween pumpkins, but what makes it so scary? Imagine being spooked by some sinister trick-or-treating and then approaching a child wearing this mask. When you try to remove the mask from his face, you realize that you are stuck to him forever.
“Trick or Treat” may not be the best horror movie of all time, but it certainly reminds us of one important fact; That evil children can be a hundred times scarier than evil and evil adults.
9- Halloween (Halloween)
After 13 movies, Michael Myers may not be as scary as he was in the early days, but his presence in any work is still absolutely bone-chilling. This famous Halloween supervillain is seemingly impossible to kill (at least until the end of Halloween), and to make matters worse, Michael Myers is always one step ahead. Imagine, God forbid, that you are one of the victims of this crazy person and while you are running away, you look behind you and see his stony and soulless face, you will probably give up at that moment and accept your fate!
8- sawSaw)
While the main horror of the “Saw” franchise is in the endless bloodshed and creative killings planned by a criminal mastermind, the masks that the Jigsaw character uses in different episodes should not be overlooked in any way.
The first mask used by Jigsaw was a cheap animated pig mask, but as the franchise progressed, his masks became more advanced and more realistic and terrifying. Thanks to Jigsaw’s diversification, “Saw” is now a franchise with multiple, more than terrifying masks.
7- Silence of the LambsSilence of the Lambs)
Knowing the gruesome details of Dr. Hannibal Lecter’s murders will shock any audience, but the final shot is delivered when he is first seen with a mask that tightly covers his mouth, reminding him of the fact that he is a cannibalistic killer who He eats the flesh of his victims. If that’s not scary enough, think of the bars that are placed right in front of his mouth, preventing him from ever getting his sharp teeth into anyone’s body!
6- Friday the 13th (Friday the 13th)
During the “Friday the 13th” franchise, every handsome teenager wore a goalie mask. Among them, there is also an immortal serial killer who left many audiences around the world with his special hockey mask. It doesn’t matter if you’ve seen every part of this franchise twenty times or you’ve only sat watching the trailer of one of the parts, in any case, seeing the mask of Jason Voorhees freezes the blood in your veins. Perhaps no hockey mask in history will make you fantasize about the agonizing death that might befall you in the face of this crazed killer as much as this famous one.
5- Hiss (Hush)
The masked killer “Hays” becomes even more terrifying after knowing the fact that he can remove the mask without fear. In the beginning of Michael Flanagan’s film, which is also known as one of the best horror films of the 2010s, the deaf and mute hero of the story begs the masked killer to stop killing him because he has not seen his face anyway and cannot tell the police, but in the end The disbelief of the ruthless killer removes his mask and shows him his face, and tells him that even if the sky comes to earth, he will kill him one hundred percent.
Throughout the film, the light shining on the white and icy mask and the reflection of its image on the mirrors and glasses show how much a simple and handy mask can create terror in the audience.
4- We (Us)
As if the idea that we all have a malevolent sibling living in the underworld wasn’t scary enough, Jason Peele decided to use a mask to represent this sibling. All of these masks are quite frightening, but the level of fear hidden in the masks of Pluto and Jason is something else.
Scary children are insufferable in themselves, now if a mask covers their face, everything seems inexplicable and suspenseful. For example, Pluto removes his mask to reveal his identical appearance to Jason. Although the mask itself is not inherently scary, the idea of what kind of creature you will face under it creates a sense of terror in the audience.
3- Strangers (The Strangers)
If you also live in an abandoned and quiet house, anyone who appears in your house in the middle of the night will scare you, not to mention three masked killers. A burlap sack with only two holes in the eye area and a line in the mouth area is classically scary. Now imagine two other people accompanying him with plastic masks on their faces. Of course, the protruding cheeks and big eyes of this mask give it a doll-like and cute look under normal conditions, but when they appear in an abandoned house with a man wearing a canvas with the intention of murder, they can make anyone have a stroke.
2- Cleaning (The Purge)
The story of the Purge franchise takes place on a night when the government allows people to legally massacre each other in order to rid themselves of violence and live in peace for the rest of the year. Having said that, the franchise basically talks about how inhuman humanity can be sometimes; Therefore, it is natural that in this situation, the scariest cleansing night masks are those that look profoundly human. The wide smile, exaggerated facial features, dark eyes, and a more or less human face is a mask that is terrifying to death in “The Purge.”
Seeing the face of a smiling villain as the last sight before a gruesome death is probably the last thing anyone would think of. “Purge” masks are very popular on Halloween, but unlike “Scream”, seeing them in real life is just as shocking as the movie.
1- Chainsaw murder in Texas (Texas Chain Saw Massacre)
Undoubtedly, the top spot on this list goes to the leather face mask in the popular Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise. It’s about a family of cannibals who brutally hunt down their young prey, but what makes Leatherface’s seemingly simple and handy mask terrifying is the fact that he’s made it by sewing the skin of his unfortunate victims together. Now add to all of that the fact that Leatherface and the events of the franchise are inspired by the life of a real-life assassin. With all these cases, we hope that the leather face will not become your nightmare tonight!
Source: movieweb