15 important tips for buying gold / Never buy these golds!

According to the online economy report, Namnak wrote: If you are also interested in the gold market, whether it is the type of jewelry and jewelry or the type of investment in gold, then follow this article to get gold buying tips, gold buying guide, Learn the law of buying gold, buying gold online, buying second-hand gold, buying gold without payment, etc.
Consider the following points when buying gold:
gold carat
Gold carat tells us what proportion of jewelry is made of other metals and what proportion is actually gold. Common carats for gold are 999, 750, 705 or 24, 18 and 17 carats. In 750 carat, 75% gold and 25% remaining metals are used.
Avoid buying precious gold
Gems and stones used in gold are very eye-catching and beautiful, but having gems and stones in gold will reduce the value of gold when it is sold, so if you are planning to invest, be sure to buy gold without gems.
Gold invoice
The invoice is a kind of document of your ownership of a gold piece and plays an important role in proving that a gold piece is not stolen or fake. When buying gold, pay attention to the invoice, the invoice number, the name of the gold shop and its logo, your name and contact number as the buyer, the name of the purchased item and its value, the weight of the purchased gold, the daily price of gold, the price of the accessories, the stamp of the gold shop. And… it must be included on the invoice.
Buy gold in times of less demand
Various factors affect the rate and price of gold. When buying gold, pay attention to market fluctuations and buy gold when the price of gold has decreased compared to the previous days. Months such as Muharram and Safar, when marriage ceremonies are not held, for buying Gold is suitable, and the occasion of Nowruz and other holidays is not a good time to buy gold.
There are countless products with different designs and colors in the jewelry market. Before buying gold, weigh all the aspects and compare different models of gold with each other and see the price of each one and get to know the latest products.
gold price
When buying gold, pay attention to how the price of gold is calculated. The total price of gold is equal to the percentage of tax + percentage of sales profit + (total weight x (wages per gram + price per gram))
For sales profit, they usually consider 7%. Gold wages are paid to the respective factory for each gram of gold production. The tax is also collected by the seller from the buyer and paid quarterly to the tax office. For tax, 9% is added on the total amount of the invoice.
New or second-hand gold
If you want to buy new gold, be sure to pay attention to the body of the gold and make sure that there are no scratches, lines or a slight color change in it. Unfortunately, some gold dealers sell second-hand gold to their customers instead of new gold They receive construction wages. Second-hand gold, i.e. used gold that does not need to pay 9% value added tax and gold manufacturing fee, is suitable for saving.
The year of the gold coinage
If you want to buy coins and sell them on the do-no-day, buy coins that have newer mintages to get more money when you sell.
Avoid paying cash
It is better to avoid giving cash when buying gold and pay the money through the card reader of the gold shop. It is mandatory to keep payment receipts. In case of paying the price of gold in cash, it is better to include the details of the payment in the invoice. .
weight of gold
When buying gold, pay attention to its weight, which is bought and sold based on grams. Be sure to read the gold weight yourself when weighing the seller so that it is written correctly in the invoice. For daily use of gold, it is better to buy gold that is more resistant and heavier.
gold color
In the market, there are jewelry based on yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold, sometimes even gold with special plating and gold-making techniques in blue, green, brown, etc. are also available. The most common color of gold and jewelry is gold.
Do not rush
When buying gold, visit several jewelry galleries and avoid rushing, this will allow you to get information about the available prices and models.
Buy gold online
The internet space is a very suitable space to see the variety of gold products in the shortest possible time. You can buy gold online from online shops and websites. It is recommended to visit at least one gold shop before buying online so that you can get the necessary information.
Sang birth certificate
When buying gold with precious stones, get the birth certificate of the stone and obtain information from the gold seller about how to sell it and find out the amount of profit and loss during the sale.
Gold return guarantee
It has happened to many of us that we regret after buying, think about returning and regretting before buying and get information about the ways to return goods and buy from online and in-person stores with the option of returning goods.