cultural and artisticHeritage and Tourism

20 management steps in the fields of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts -1

Managers of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, in order to achieve the goals, plans and policies of the Ministry of Communication, must have managerial skills in performing successful management tasks and roles.

Mental or perceptual skills; Which is the ability to coordinate and integrate the efforts and activities of the subdivision with the goals of the ministry. Human skills; The ability to work with individuals and groups and to understand and motivate them and technical skills; The ability to use the relevant instructions and techniques and to have knowledge of the specialized field related to the collection under management.

Based on scientific and practical experiences in the specialized fields of the Ministry, the author presents 20 management steps in the fields of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts to future managers.

The first step – problem-based management

Minister Zarghami, Minister of Heritage, Culture, Tourism and Handicrafts, rightly stated at the Research Week commemoration ceremony: “If thinkers and researchers within the ministry do not know how to find the problem properly, we will have a problem.”

Our managers, in removing organizational barriers and problems, pay less attention to the negative, ie the lack of an issue or a value such as the context needed by tourists, or do not feel a commitment to the positive issues, ie using opportunities to address and solve problems in a timely manner. .

In problem-oriented management, if the question that comes to mind is out of date and new and you can not easily find the answer, you should seek to solve it yourself. These questions are called problems! In fact, the situation is different from the desired situation and prevents the manager from achieving his goals or will be a cause of conflict or conflict in his decision.

So to solve a problem in your general and specialized field of management, first provide a precise definition of the problem or problems. This will save money and efficiency and effectiveness of problem solving.

Then, to better understand the problem, simplify it and in the next step, collect information purposefully. If you are not purposeful in this work, you will have a lot of information that causes mental dispersion and the inability to find the causes, requirements, conditions and dimensions of the main problem.

Central cause in problem solving is the most reliable relationship to discover and solve a problem. So we have to look for the cause or causes of the problem. When we find the cause of a problem, problem or complication, we must know that the simplest and easiest solution is not always the best solution.

Therefore, be strict in choosing the solution, look at the challenges from different angles so that you can identify the opportunity in them. Focusing on creating opportunities from challenges will make you look at the challenge positively.

Finally, we need to know that problem-solving is a scientific-technical process based on well-documented evidence. A cognitive-behavioral process, which provides potentially effective responses to problematic situations and increases the likelihood of selecting the most effective response from multiple responses.

Now is the time to decide on an issue. It can be said that decision making is choosing the best possible solution from the available solutions to solve the problem in a given situation. The decision-making process has three main elements that make the problem exist. The three components of the problem or situation, the decision maker, and the environment in which the problem occurred. Therefore, the need to discover and present different solutions to problems and, consequently, the production of decision options, is the creative thinking of a manager, which ends with the emergence of creativity and solving problems with the necessary foresight.

The second step – status management

Complications or problem solving are considered to be the most obvious elements of managers’ success. Identifying and recognizing obstacles and problems, formulating strategies using problem-solving techniques and rational implementation along with monitoring programs can lead your organizational situation to the desired situation.

The third step is to get acquainted with the key point of the organization of the country’s administrative organizations

Unfortunately, most managers have a general idea about this! The key point of the organization of the country’s administrative organizations is that all organizations are divided into general and specialized sections in their organizational chart.

In our ministry, the legal mission and the basic organizational mission are the responsibility of the three specialized fields of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts. form. It is clear that in the past decades, the specialized activities of the ministry have been under the umbrella of seemingly supportive activities and in fact public sector policy-making that reverse management plans should be applied to these two areas.

The fourth step is to pay attention to organizational culture at the headquarters and ministry levels

In the Ministry of Health, from the minister to the service force, everyone calls each other a doctor! In the Ministry of Housing, an engineer, and in the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Haj Agha… Is not this common organizational culture among the members of these organizations a symbol of unity, organizational affiliation, commitment?

The Ministry of Heritage, Culture, Tourism and Handicrafts are the result of a consensus of three independent and at the same time related areas. The structure of cultural heritage is intertwined with culture and research, the structure of tourism with economic attractiveness and the structure of handicrafts with art and industry. How can one expect the integration of these three seemingly complementary elements to have a glorious organizational culture? To create a culture, the commonalities of these three workspaces must be extracted and a common organizational culture must be promoted. Otherwise, combining the three scientific, economic and artistic cultures, based on the level of loyalty, organizational commitment and responsibility of employees, will be difficult.

Therefore, it is suggested that managers focus on organizational culture commonalities to be the producers of dominant organizational culture and a growing model for the production of pure organizational culture.

Fifth step – planning

The main point that our managers neglect is that they prefer day-to-day work to the implementation of programs and communicative policies, so the first step is to return to the principles of management based on moving towards organizational goals and mission and execution of missions based on planning.

Planning is a fundamental process in management that moves gradually and is a step-by-step approach. Therefore, a successful manager in the public sector must act on comprehensive planning, based on goal setting, setting options, evaluating and selecting options, allocating and creating a timeline, formulating derivative plans, and budgeting.

Step 6 – Conflict Management

Conflict is a valuable source of released human energy that the manager can use to improve the atmosphere and environment of the organization and to grow those who work with them and ultimately to achieve the goals of the organization.

To resolve a conflict in your subset, you must address its source. When you see that colleagues are indifferent, or lack creativity, or lack of organizational interest and attachment, there is little conflict, but the manager’s indifference can lead to deep differences and animosity.

We have to accept that conflict is inevitable and arises from various reasons such as the structure of the organization, differences in goals, differences in perceptions and values ​​of human resources, and so on. The task of management is to manage different levels of conflict and resolve it for optimal organizational implementation, and ultimately, optimal organizational activity requires a balanced, or moderate level of conflict.

You may be wondering how we can reduce the conflict in our management subdivision !? The answer is to take logical action, using the pattern of increasing resources, face-to-face communication, creating great goals, creating common interests and using force when there is no solution to resolve disputes, especially between employees! You can manage the existing conflict.

Seventh step – management brigade

You need conscious typing to advance your management. The first personality type of manager is the dominant personality or leader personality. This person is extroverted and at the same time very task-oriented. The main motivation for this person is to get results. The leader character thinks fast and decides and wants to reach the final result quickly.

The second type is social or expressive personality. The manager who values ​​relationships is person-centered and extroverted and does well in anything that requires a high level of positive interaction with others. Agreeing with others and making empty commitments is one of the negative characteristics of this type of managers.

The third managerial character is the link builders, who attach great importance to the thoughts and feelings of others, but at the same time are sloppy, slow in summing up, and sometimes seem hesitant. They are concerned about the effect of their behavior and speech on others.

The fourth known type of management is passive and aggressive managers. Some managers, especially under stress, become pessimistic and distrustful, and eventually resort to covert resistance. Such reactions often occur when people are forced to pursue a goal or do something that they do not succeed in or that task or goal does not seem logical.

The manager is an introverted analyst or thinker who is very task-oriented. These types of managers want to manage on the basis of facts and details and want to make sure that there is no possibility of error or mistake.

Really, which of these types of management do you have?

The eighth step of knowledge management

A person who lacks management knowledge will never be able to manage a human and material complex in the long run and will have problems. Unfortunately, in many cases, this point has been ignored and despite the unfortunate consequences of such managements, people with the least scientific qualifications in the field of management have been used and countless problems have arisen in the systems. On the other hand, due to the lack of management knowledge of managers and disregard for the characteristics and features governing the systems under leadership, in the leadership of their subordinates have many problems and fellow staff is confused and ultimately unwilling to continue working and ultimately reduce the amount. Systems productivity.

Ninth step – consultability

Counseling and rationality are among the religious teachings and requirements of operational management. The principle of consultability must be considered in all matters, and especially provincial managers must pay special attention to consultation in their decisions. Consultability prepares the minds of managers for important decisions so that they can consider all aspects and facts.

Step 10 – Suggestion system

The system of proposals has unfortunately remained ineffective in the ministry. Suggestions and ideas can help staff and line managers achieve organizational goals. The system of suggestions is the ability to absorb and implement any kind of opinion, thought and solution that makes the current situation easier, faster, more correct, cheaper, safer and more desirable.

In this regard, two types of small proposals that increase productivity, improve work space, increase employee satisfaction and the like and have the ability to measure and calculate in Rials, and quality proposal that leads to the optimal implementation of the administrative program, increase productivity, improve work space , Optimal saving of resources, increasing employee satisfaction and the like, and not being able to measure and calculate in Rials, should be considered and emphasized by managers.



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