cultural and artisticHeritage and Tourism

20 steps of management in the fields of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts

The first step to maintaining your management is to find the right management style so that you can get to know your team and their capabilities and master your skills.

Step 15 – The field of cultural heritage In the training session that we served our dear colleagues, we asked them to provide a comprehensive definition of culture and civilization in two lines. Unfortunately, not even common words were found in the definitions provided. Obviously, cultural heritage, from archaeological, anthropological, linguistic, restoration research to the registration of national and world monuments and conservation, requires a deep understanding of the nature and material and spiritual values ​​of this valuable heritage.

In this regard, cultural heritage associations, cultural heritage protection committee, heritage heritage public participation plan and passive defense committee, which are the executive and protective arms of our country’s cultural heritage, in recent years, have faced severe differences in performance and need to analyze the situation. , Plan and execute programs. One of the most important challenges in the field of cultural heritage today is the increase in public dissatisfaction with executive policies and laws and regulations restricting the sanctity of sites and monuments, which has major effects on regional and personal interests of the people and despite the cultural awakening of the majority Cultural Heritage We are witnessing a vast amount of governmental and non-governmental destruction and unauthorized excavations. In addition to reforming upstream laws and documents, it is expected that efforts will be made to eliminate parallelism and coordination between institutions in order to promote a general culture of media and publicity.

Step 16 – The field of tourism, the author in an article entitled “Tourism after sanctions” in 1396, addresses the reasons for the lack of inclusive growth of the tourism industry, including the reasons for Iranophobia and anti-Iran in Western countries, adherence to tourism investment activities from economic and political challenges He pointed out the need to localize definitions and concepts.

Problems that still persist with no change in the economic and political situation. Despite the perception of some trustees, the author firmly believes that there is human capital and specialized and efficient forces, especially in the private sector in the field of tourism, which will quickly invest and improve the level of activities if the above obstacles are removed.

It seems that in the current situation, in addition to basic measures for the growth and development of domestic and family-oriented tourism, adaptation of existing infrastructure and facilities, training of tourism authorities, emphasis on cultural, religious, health and ecotourism targeting Muslim, neighboring and eastern countries , Studies and planning based on the goals and strategies of foreign tourism development with two perspectives of agreement or disagreement of Borjam should be prepared, formulated and even evaluated for effectiveness.

In this regard, coordination and coordination between devices to set future plans and actions is essential.

Step 17 – In the field of handicrafts, in the last decade, it can be said that the field of handicrafts was the only specialized field of organizations that, despite the difficulties in supporting this field, could pull its own kilim out of the water, relying on its own strength due to problems and economic situation. . It must be admitted that the expectations from our country’s handicrafts and traditional arts for the discussion of ambitious employment far from the field of society showed, but without compliments with the wisdom of valuable managers and experts in this field, has been able to achieve more than its share and power. The reason for this, in addition to the impact of the sluggish conditions of manufacturing and economic industries, rising prices and added value of cultural goods, economic attractiveness for income-seeking groups, the return of traditional arts and crafts to the business market, the tendency of society elites to crafts and public culture. And with the propulsion of education and the system of promoting the originality of traditional arts and crafts, quick return facilities and legal protections, proper marketing, emphasis on quality packaging and branding, the desired goals can be achieved.

Step 18 – Management information system, utilization of information and reports written in today’s organizations is the most important and efficient tool in the field of growth, development and promotion of organizations. In the meantime, successful organizations are those that produce or collect the best, most and least costly information they need by selecting appropriate methods and methods, and process and report them with appropriate tools, including manpower or electronic tools, and reports. Provide information output to top managers and their components to use in policy selection and in-house planning.

Considering the study of organizational information circulation processes related to the structure and organization of the organization, including goals, missions and tasks assigned by law, it was concluded that success in achieving the goals and the sixth development plan in the field of organizational tasks requires serious attention of senior management The Ministry focuses on organizational information, analysis and processing of operational plans and communications policies based on measuring information away from distribution and dispersion between deputies and staff management.

The vacuum caused by the lack of a unit called “Ministry Information Management” in the ministry area causes strategic damage in decision-making and policy-making of ministry officials, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, including the developed program and dissemination of information by parallel units of the ministry staff, especially committees. And councils result in wasted effort and failure in purposeful and fruitful decision-making.

Therefore, with the aim of organizing, growth and organizational development in accordance with the goals and superiors, including the vision document, development plan and implementation with strategic, operational and current plans of the ministry and as an interface between headquarters and queue management levels with senior ministry and interaction and exchange Appropriate information between the ministry, including deputies, headquarters managements, queues, with the tools of determining, collecting, processing and presenting information systems information to the Minister and senior managers of the ministry, the need to launch information management in the ministry is inevitable.

Step 19 – Using Different Methods of Employee Motivation One of the primary tasks of management and human resource development is to motivate employees so that their performance reaches the highest possible level. Employees act on the three important factors of beliefs and goals, intellect and logic, human emotions and feelings, and to change the behavior and motivate employees, these three important factors must be considered. Has the level of negative and positive motivation of the staff of different levels of the ministry been measured, determined and evaluated? Why are some hardworking and active, some indifferent and some not working and shrugging off the work? Aren’t these differences influenced by motivational factors?

Scientific research has proven that if an organization wants to be at the forefront of policy-making and implementation of its programs and not lag behind in achieving its goals and mission, or in other words, be empowered, it must have specialized, creative and highly motivated human resources. Therefore, high motivation in the staff plays an important role in empowering the ministry.

Ministry staff are different in terms of needs, contexts and motivation factors, so to create and increase motivation, factors such as using the appropriate reward system, creating a field of creativity and innovation, meritocracy, increasing the role of staff in decision-making, beauty and Emphasize the creation of workplace diversity.

Managers’ view of manpower as human capital will be one of the successes of the ministry.

Some co-workers acknowledge that when management ignores them for any reason, they are effectively stripped of their legal responsibility to do or pursue work. A view that calls into question the basic duties of managers to manage employees according to rules and regulations.

There are experts who, at the same time as being capable, are left out by the managers for some reason and are given to the recruitment. Unfortunately, in previous years, the route of assigning these forces was practically communicated to the surrounding subdivisions at the request of human resources from the employees to receive and submit the need announcement from the units, and if there is no need announcement.

The result of this forced method of organization has led to irreparable damage to human capital. It should not be denied that manpower organization, attendance, statistics and welfare affairs of the forces in today’s world of management, is one of the most detailed and simple matters, and on the other hand, lack of goals for training, guidance and career development of individual employees, paralyzes the organization. Will do tetraplegia.

what’s the solution? Certainly, preparing and compiling job and personal indicators and setting job tables, smartening the development of management and human resources and managing talents, is the only way to eliminate the uncertainty and waste of manpower, especially specialized manpower. Undoubtedly, to solve this major organizational challenge, human resources must develop and implement the process of organizing human resources through new techniques and technologies based on education, experience, expertise and even the interests of individuals.

Step 20 – Sustainable managers, one of the worthy customs in managerial changes and transformations, is holding farewell and introduction ceremonies. Unfortunately, it is sometimes observed that the fired manager does not attend his farewell ceremony, while by presenting a performance report and thanking his colleagues, he limits the last opportunity to defend his managerial competence and permanence in the public mind and in a way limits his management path. On the other hand, senior managers’ disregard for holding minimal farewell and introduction ceremonies, lack of moral appreciation of the former manager’s services, and empowerment of the new manager lead to an unbelievable culture for themselves and future managers.

The logical caveat is that new managers must receive the latest status information, required actions and follow-up from the previous manager before being appointed, which rarely happens, and the new manager has a new mindset and style, even in conflict. It starts with the previous manager method.

Do you want your management to be effective and sustainable anyway? 3 Put the theme at the forefront of your actions: Choose the right management style, make decisions with planning, and at the same time be pious, believe in your organizational goals and forces.

The first step to maintaining your management is to find the right management style so that you can get to know your team and their capabilities and master your skills.

Collaborative management The participatory management method is a method of team management in which team members are required to be actively involved in decision-making processes.

Network management In this type of management, the role of managers is to maintain relationships between employees so that they can work well together. Acquiring communication skills between team members will be essential to your success.

Management by mentoring or mentoring, the way it works is that sometimes you enter the processes yourself and sometimes you pull yourself out of the processes. This develops the skills of the employees and helps them to be independent in doing their jobs.

Accelerated management In this type of management, you, as the manager, have a decisive role in determining the tasks and the speed of doing things, but you leave the team members free to do how they do things.

Consolidation management is, in fact, the same as traditional management. This type of management is in contrast to modern management and leadership, in which everything is dictated to employees from above. In the first step, explain the reasons for your decision to the team members. The best time to use a solid management approach is when the team is in crisis.

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