Banking and insuranceEconomical

$ 25,259 was traded

According to the monetary financial news, the selling price of Euro today was 89 thousand and 567 Tomans less than the previous working day by 89 Tomans.

The purchase price of each dollar today was 25 thousand and seven tomans and the purchase price of each euro was announced as 28 thousand and 292 tomans.

In addition, the purchase price of the dollar in the organized foreign exchange market was 25,102 tomans and its selling rate was 25,330 tomans.

Meanwhile, the buying rate of Euro in this market was 27 thousand 299 Tomans and its selling rate was 27 thousand 547 Tomans.

Also, in today’s Nima system, Euro remittances were sold at a price of 26,817 Tomans and dollar remittances were traded at a price of 24,659 Tomans.

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