InternationalInternational Economics

400 thousand billion Tomans of exchange rate subsidy was given annually / The market will be saturated in the next one or two days

According to Fars News Agency’s economic correspondent, Hojjatullah Abdolmaleki stated in Ofogh Network’s Jahan Ara program: “The basis of the government’s work was justice from the beginning and all members of the government believe that things should be done based on justice, while the 4,200 Tomans paid for basic goods is different.” It was about 20,000 tomans in free currency, which was taken from the pockets of the people about 400,000 billion tomans annually and paid to a certain number of people.

He added: “Government value due to the export of oil and gas and oil and petrochemical products that belong to the government and belong to the people and its price was 24 to 25 thousand tomans, but the government allocated it at the rate of 4200 tomans to inputs and in each $ 20,000 subsidy was given from people’s pockets.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare stated: 20 billion Tomans of preferred currency was given annually, which was given to special groups from the pockets of the people in the year 400 thousand billion Tomans. Under the pretext of giving people basic goods such as eggs and chicken cheaply.

Abdul Maleki said: “Five groups were involved in this issue, of which four were non-popular and one was دلالاکهn that input animal Warda They would do it and sell some of it in the open market. The second part went into the pockets of the smugglers who took the subsidized oil and flour out of the country. One part went to the pockets of foreigners who were selling Iranian oil on the shelves of shops in Pakistan and Afghanistan, one part went to the pockets of foreign producers who were given 4,200 Tomans instead of 24,000 Tomans, and another part was supposed to get cheap chicken. It does not reach the people at this rate. While in the new plan, the total of 400 thousand billion tomans in the form of cash subsidies will reach the people.

According to him; In the public sector, those who consumed more received more subsidies, and the lower income deciles ate less chicken and eggs. Uptown You could reach 20 kilos.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said: At present, 400,000 Tomans is paid monthly for the three lower income deciles of the society and 300,000 Tomans for the other 6 deciles, and the wealthy deciles of the society do not receive anything. Thus, smuggling is eliminated from currency differences, and domestic production is strengthened. Therefore, the subsidy reform plan is in the interest of the people.

Abdul Maleki continued: Gini coefficient is decreasing sharply. In the first case, the subsidy did not reach the people in four deciles, and in the last part, most of it reached the richer people. But in the new livelihood plan, all subsidies will reach the people and reduce class differences.

Regarding the increase in the dollar exchange rate, he said: “The discussion of the dollar is temporary and in the coming days, there will be calm in the foreign exchange market.” The government itself has examined the effect of rising commodity prices on 500 items, which has very limited real and not psychological effects on the prices of other commodities.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said: “It is in their interest to pay cash subsidies to low-income deciles.” A family of four people receives 1.6 million Tomans per month of low income, while before the implementation of the plan, the household cost was 241 thousand Tomans, and after the implementation of the plan, this cost reaches 568 thousand Tomans of basic goods, and one million Tomans of new money per month for the household. Is available. In the second decile based on the previous price 336 thousand Tomans and in the new price 803 thousand Tomans, in the third decile expenses at the previous price 375 thousand Toman And at the new price of 918 thousand tomans and their profit will be 706 thousand tomans. In the 6th decile, the expenses will be 436 thousand Tomans at the previous price and one million and 48 thousand Tomans at the new price. In the ninth decile, for a family of four, 18 thousand tomans per month will be in their favor.

Abdul Maleki said: “So three deciles of income were suffering from protein poverty due to low income, but now their income increases with cash subsidies.”

He also assured that the increase in the price of goods without strict rules will be dealt with and the control in the market will be intensified.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said: “One rial from the sources of liberalization and realization of currency will not go to the government and all of them will be distributed to the people.” Part of it is allocated for livelihood subsidy and part for bread and medicine subsidy.

Abdolmaleki explained why this plan was not implemented in previous governments: All economists objected to the implementation of the 4,200 Toman currency. In 1999, the parliament approved a budget of 1,400, which is not a preferred currency, but the previous government resisted its implementation, and the parliament amended the budget and allocated $ 8 billion for basic goods. The previous government said it was not looking for trouble and followed a procedure that no one could hear and did not enter the challenge. But in the new government, the president from the beginning believed that the preferred currency was against justice, even if he had time to explain it to the people and some people protested. The currency should be close to the rate of the Nima system and close to the free rate, but the purchasing power of the people should be maintained with Kalabarg.

According to him, it should not have been implemented before the infrastructure was ready and was supposed to October The plan was implemented last year, but its aspects were worked on, and the government pursues everything that benefits the people. Of course, the people have questions and the government will answer them, and this plan is supposed to be implemented with the least damage.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare continued: “Every month, when this plan is implemented later, 38,000 billion tomans will be transferred from the pockets of the people to the pockets of brokers.”

Regarding the people’s protest against the elimination of livelihood subsidies, Abdolmaleki said: “90% of the people received subsistence subsidies. Two groups are protesting. One is those who did not receive subsidies for 45,000 Tomans and subsistence before. The subsidy was closed for registration, now all operations to protest the subsidy through Support system And the hotline 0216369 and the number 09200006369 to announce that this number asks, if you are in the armed forces, refer to the same organization, their information is with the relevant organization and other people enter the national code of the head of the household and their mobile number. And register their application for a subsidy.

He added: “The process of examining those who register their protest is underway.” Also, the telephone number 0216369 of experts from the disabled community of the country, 120 people, answer the questions of their compatriots 24 hours a day. The protests will be dealt with as soon as possible and the people will have a little patience.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare stated about the criteria of the deciles: a set of economic variables such as bank account turnover, bank profits, property and house is not available in the system and the rest of the household assets are considered.

According to Abdul Maleki, household turnover is monitored for several years. For example, since 1996, transactions have been monitored.

He added: “All this information is calculated with specific coefficients and its combination gives an index and number that determines the prioritization and then the household is considered.” For example, the number of cars in a household and the total income of household members are taken into account.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said regarding the investigation of the people’s protests: “Whoever protests, we will investigate. If he is involved, his assistance is reserved with the targeted organization.” It is paid, sometimes the protests are due to the lack of information of the people that we explain to them.

Abdul Maleki stated: The system of the Ministry of Labor is not smart enough to recognize that one person has given his card to another to trade with it or that some cars have been sold that do not recognize the system of the law and should be taken out of the property. For example, my brother, who owns the company’s salary account, was excluded from the subsidy due to high turnover.

Regarding cafes and restaurateurs with new prices, he said: “They have pricing through their guilds and regular market regulation monitors their impact on the price of basic goods on their products and should not increase prices more than the desired figure.”

* Penalties for violators of overselling increased 5 times

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said: “The punishment for the violators has been increased five times according to the decree of the heads of the forces, and the government penitentiary organization has allowed the violating trade unions to پلمپ And announce to the people with high-priced banners and severe punishments in factories that apply high prices, and the organizations of industry, mining and agricultural jihad have become the place of market regulation, inspection and supervision.

Abdul Maleki pointed out: As a member of the government, I know the situation is different from the past, and if someone wants to violate, it will not be economical.

Regarding Kalabarg, he said: “According to the budget law, electronic Kalabarg should be established that when people go to the store to buy certain goods in a certain number, the price of the goods will be the same as the price before the implementation of the livelihood plan. The government will be announced.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare stated: Implementation of the Kalaberg project because of electronic systems coding Hardware and logistics take 2-3 months, and whenever the electronic worksheet is ready, a cash subsidy is transferred to the electronic worksheet, and a subsidy of 300 and 400 thousand Tomans is allocated to support the people.

On whether the implementation of this plan is like a constructive government, Abdul Maleki said: “The government is moving towards justice based on Islamic economic and resistance economics and not neoliberal and socialist theory, and this plan will benefit the people, not like the rich previous governments.” The rich get poorer and the poor get poorer and the people under the wheel of economic adjustment are crushed.

According to him, with the plan to reform subsidies, the national economy will be strengthened and smuggling will be reduced, and the sum of economic indicators will be better.

The Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare stated: “In the issue of providing basic goods, the market will be saturated within the next one or two days, and the 13th government has accepted to take on the challenge of reforming subsidies.” We hope that this project will succeed by the grace of God.

end of Message/

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