5 degree decrease in air temperature in most parts of the country

According to Moj news agency, with the beginning of summer, the temperature increases. According to the report announced by the Meteorological Organization, the meteorological stations of Dehlran, Shush, Bostan, Ahvaz Agriculture and Bandar Mahshahr recorded temperatures above 50 degrees in the past days. In July, the temperature in parts of the country is expected to be 1.5 degrees above normal and without rain.
Now, after spending two weeks of hot summer, the news of the frequent penetration of cool waves until the end of this year is circulating on social networks. Sadegh Ziyaian denied the published news and stated: The published news about the coolness of the air until the end of the summer is not true. This decrease in temperature during this week will be relative and between 3 and 5 degrees Celsius.
He said about the temperature situation this week: Today (July 11th) hot weather is expected to persist in the country, but from tomorrow (July 12th) a relative decrease in temperature between 3 and 5 degrees is expected in the provinces located in the northern part of the country, and the wave The heat that was ruling the country from the middle of last week until today and caused an increase in temperature will be resolved and we will have a relative decrease in temperature.
The head of the National Center for Prediction and Crisis Management of Climate Risks continued: Last week in Tehran, the highest air temperature was 39 and 40 degrees Celsius and the lowest temperature in recent days was 24 degrees Celsius. degree and its lowest level will reach 21 degrees Celsius.
He stated: The temperature will drop on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and from Wednesday we will have a mild increase in temperature again.
In the end, Ziyaian stated: The temperature will drop mainly in the northern region, but in the southern regions such as Ahvaz, a relative temperature drop is expected on Sunday (July 12).