5 main signs of car thermostat failure / how often should we replace the thermostat?

According to the online economy report, Car thermostat It is a small part that is placed between the engine and the radiator of the car and is responsible for keeping the temperature of the engine close to its operating temperature. The engine temperature must have a certain degree, if the temperature is low, the concentration of the oil increases and as a result, the engine parts are not lubricated properly. Also, if its temperature is higher than the standard, the oil will be diluted too much and lose its properties. Therefore, for the car engine to function properly, its temperature should be kept at the standard level, i.e. 85 degrees, which is the duty of the thermostat. is in charge of setting it up. The car thermostat helps the engine on cold days so that the engine warms up in the shortest possible time.
How the car thermostat works
The car thermostat automatically turns on and off. When the car engine is cold, this mechanical part keeps the water inlet to the radiator closed. The water travels the closed path around the engine to reach the temperature defined in the thermostat. When the water reaches the appropriate temperature, the thermostat opens its inlet and after the temperature decreases, the machine thermostat repeats the disconnection and connection operation again so that the engine temperature remains at its normal level.
Replacing the car thermostat is a relatively inexpensive repair
Replacing and visiting the car thermostat
Car thermostat It is a one-time use and non-repairable device. At the time of installation, you should pay attention to the flash symbol on it, and if the thermostat of the car does not open and close within the allowed temperature range and the engine is too hot or cold, it should be replaced immediately.
Types of car thermostats
– Car electromechanical thermostat:
This type of car thermostat connects and disconnects the electrical circuit by using the thermal sensor command through a series of mechanical interfaces to the microswitch. The product of this type of technology has a long life.
The car’s electromechanical thermostat has two types of temperature sensors. One type works on the principle of liquid expansion. This thermal system, which is called diastat and is also known as capillary thermostat, includes sensor or sensor, capillary tube and diaphragm. When the temperature of the sensor increases, the liquid enters the diaphragm through the capillary tube and causes working distension. By means of this expansion, a spring key (Snap action) is used, which can open or close the circuit, and the other type is by metal expansion, which is called bimetal thermostat, and the spring key works directly with metal expansion.
When installing the car thermostat, you should pay attention to the arrow mark on it
– Car electronic thermostat:
This type Car thermostat The command received from the temperature sensor is transmitted by electronic current to a miniature relay and causes the electric current to be cut off and connected.
Locking the car thermostat
The way to detect the locking of the car thermostat is to put your hand close to the radiator and if you feel that the temperature is not high, put your hand on the radiator. If you feel that the radiator is cold, but the temperature of the engine water amp is higher than normal, there is a possibility that the thermostat is locked. In such cases, you have no choice but to turn off the engine and wait until it cools down to replace the car thermostat.
Symptoms of car thermostat failure
Replacing the car thermostat is a relatively inexpensive repair. Not replacing this part may cause the engine to boil, as a result of which there is a possibility of causing a lot of damage to the engine, and the repair of these damages is expensive. Any problem in this part will directly affect the temperature of the engine and in the long run it can cause serious damage to the car engine. A damaged thermostat causes the car engine to warm up later than usual, and this leads to an increase in fuel consumption. Also, the failure of this part in the engine can lead to cylinder wear in the long term, reduction of oil concentration and finally wear of car parts. Symptoms of a car thermostat failure usually include the following:
Engine temperature rising to more than the permissible limit in the first few minutes of starting the car:
One of the most important symptoms of car thermostat failure is abnormal changes in engine temperature. For example, if you turn on your car and your car’s engine boils in less than twenty minutes, you should doubt the correct working of the car’s thermostat and consider this as one of the symptoms of the car’s thermostat failure.
If the temperature changes of the water inside the radiator, which can be seen through its special indicator, are abnormal, it is most likely a problem with the car’s thermostat. This means that if the temperature of the car engine decreases or increases abnormally, this issue can be one of the signs of failure of the car thermostat.
Abnormal increase in fuel consumption:
As it was mentioned, the premature boiling of the car engine and the continuous and continuous changes in the amperage level of the car in an irregular way can be signs of the failure of the car thermostat. Leaking of water or cooling liquid in the radiator from various openings of the car, other shortcomings such as an abnormal increase in fuel consumption can also be considered as one of the symptoms of the failure of the car thermostat.
A broken car thermostat causes the car engine to warm up later than usual
If the car thermostat does not work properly, the performance of the car engine will face various disturbances and will be weakened. Therefore, to compensate for the defects, it is necessary to consume more fuel to partially cover the weakness of the car engine. In this way, the car’s fuel consumption will increase abnormally. Thus, if your car consumes more fuel than normal, you should check the car’s thermostat.
High consumption of engine oil:
An increase in engine temperature caused by a car thermostat failure can also lead to more engine oil consumption. In fact, as the temperature of the engine increases, part of its oil evaporates. In this way, keeping the engine temperature low also reduces its oil consumption.
radiator water leakage from various parts of the car:
The task of the car thermostat is to create a flow of coolant around the engine, but if the coolant leaks out, the car thermostat may no longer be able to open and the radiator water has leaked out due to high compression. This first leak can only be seen around the thermostat, but it should be taken very seriously. Because it may spread to the engine ducts due to high pressure.
Rust and corrosion:
The cause of this problem can be contaminated coolant, incompatible coolant or a mixture of coolants with different chemical composition. Another possible reason for the failure of the car thermostat may be a defective pressure cap, which causes air bubbles and accelerates the rusting process. To fix this problem, replace the car thermostat. Before installing a new thermostat, thoroughly flush the cooling system and refill the system with the coolant recommended by the manufacturer. Inspect the pressure cap and replace if defective.
Problems installing a car thermostat with a lower temperature
The car manufacturer considers a specific temperature for the thermostat, and when replacing it, you must install the car thermostat with the specified temperature, otherwise the engine will heat up faster than usual, but it will not reach the required temperature.
- Increased fuel consumption
- High consumption of oil and lowering of its concentration
- Fast depreciation of cylinders and pistons
- Rapid wear of car parts
An abnormal increase in fuel consumption can be considered as one of the symptoms of car thermostat failure
When you don’t use a standard thermostat, the things mentioned above will happen to the car, so it’s better to never take risks and install the appropriate thermostat on the car.
Complications of removing the car thermostat
One of the consequences of removing the car’s thermostat in the summer season and a thermostat whose temperature is lower than the standard temperature can be said to be the most important negative features of engine wear and fuel consumption. One of the most important disadvantages of removing the car’s thermostat is the risk of cylinder head warping. Installing a thermostat whose temperature is standard reduces fuel consumption, reduces engine wear and improves its performance. So, never remove your car’s thermostat (either in summer or winter) and also don’t use a thermostat whose opening temperature is lower than normal.
If you feel that your car is running hotter than the normal temperature and you are sure that the car thermostat is healthy, you should look for the fault in other components of the cooling system. Keep in mind that a defective cooling system cannot be fixed by installing a low temperature thermostat, and it shows itself under pressure. So, by installing a low temperature thermostat or removing the car thermostat, you only remove the face of the problem, and the problem of heating and low efficiency of the cooling system is still there.
If the car’s thermostat is removed from its cooling system in the summer, the car’s engine must run longer to reach the standard temperature. Also, the car engine will face more challenges to reach its standard temperature on cold days. On the other hand, the absence of a thermostat in the summer season means that there is no obstacle for water to return to the car’s radiator. Therefore, the speed of water entering and leaving the car radiator increases and it is possible that it does not have much time to cool down in the car radiator. In this way, in addition to cold days on hot days, the car cooling system without a thermostat will not have the necessary efficiency.
Useful life of car thermostat
Car parts have a useful life and then using those parts is harmful for the car. Most repairmen believe that the car thermostat should be replaced whenever it breaks or does not work properly, but car thermostat experts and manufacturers recommend that the thermostat should be replaced every 50,000 kilometers of driving. If we want to consider the average, the best case is once a year. It means to replace the thermostat of the car every year so that it does not have problems and malfunctions.

One of the symptoms of car thermostat failure is a defective pressure cap, which accelerates the process of rusting