6.18% growth of foreign investment in Iran in 2021

According to the economic reporter of Fars news agency, according to the 2022 UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) report on the state of foreign investment in the world, the amount of foreign direct investment in Iran in 2021 has reached 1 billion and 425 million dollars, which is an increase of 83 million dollars compared to the previous year, it has increased by 6.18 percent.
This is while foreign investment in Iran shows a decrease of 11 percent, 36.4 percent, and 30 percent in 2020, 2019, and 2018, respectively. In general, the trend of foreign investment in Iran has been downward during the past decade and has been reduced to one third. This is while the above-mentioned trend has been on a slight upward trend among the developing countries.
Chart of Iran’s foreign investment attraction trend during 2012-2021 (billion dollars)
According to the report published by the Institute of Commercial Studies and Research of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, last year, 1.582 trillion dollars of foreign direct investment was attracted in the world, which is 619 billion and 171 million dollars more than the previous year. .
* Iran’s share of investment in the world
Iran’s share of this amount of investment in the world is 0.09 percent. Iran’s share was 0.13 percent in 2020 and 0.09 percent in 2019. According to this report, in 2021 (1400) Iran is in the 80th position of the capital-rich countries of the world.
Although the foreign direct investment of developed countries has always been more than the foreign direct investment of developing countries, but in 2020, this trend was reversed and continued in 2021. The share of developing countries from the total foreign direct investment made in the world in 2021 was close to 52.87 percent equal to 836 billion and 571 million dollars. This figure in 2020 was equal to 66.3 percent. Developed countries attracted 745 billion and 739 million dollars of foreign direct investment, which is 47.12 percent of the total foreign direct investment in the world. This figure was equal to 31.2 percent in 2020. It seems that the beginning of the Corona epidemic in 2020 has strongly affected the level of foreign direct investment of developed countries and this trend is still going on.
بررســی میــزان انباشــت ســرمایه ســرمایهگــذاری مســتقیم خارجــی طــی دو دهــه گذشــته در جهــان و منطقــه و مقایسـه وضعیـت ایـران نیـز نشـان مـی دهـد وضعیـت ایـران از نظـر میـزان رشـد جـذب سـرمایه طـی ایـن سـالها در مقایسـه بـا کشـورهای منطقـه مناسـب اسـت بهطوریکـه رشـد انباشـت سـرمایه در ایـران در سـال 2010 Compared to the year 2000, it has increased by 11 times, and in 2021, it has increased by 2 times compared to 2010. Among the countries of the region, the United Arab Emirates has such a situation, and other countries have not been able to record such a record in both periods.
However, Iran’s foreign capital accumulation of 60 billion dollars in 2021 is much lower than most of the countries in the region, and in particular, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt have accumulated 260 billion dollars.
* Investment challenges in Iran
The most important investment challenge in Iran is caused by the structural challenges of Iran’s economy. The country’s high economic risk is mainly due to foreign sanctions, economic instability, investors’ lack of understanding of Iran’s economic status, legal obstacles and the inefficiency of the country’s judicial system in supporting foreign capital and investment, among the major obstacles to attracting foreign investment in Iran. .
The amount of foreign investment attraction (accumulated) 2000-2021
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