77% growth in production insurance premiums of Razi Insurance Company

According to the report of financial news from public relations and advertising, Ali Jabari- the CEO of Razi Insurance in the sixth meeting of the managers of headquarters and branches of this company in 1402, expressed the performance of Razi Insurance Company in achieving the set goals as favorable and said: In the first 10 months of this year, Razi Insurance registered 53 thousand billion rials in production premiums, which represents a 77% growth compared to the same period last year.
He considered the growth and amount of production insurance premiums of Razi Insurance Company to be more than the average production insurance premium of the insurance industry and noted: one of the ways to achieve the company’s goals in the field of increasing production insurance premiums, controlling and reducing the loss ratio, using the capacities of technical units in In addition to using the capacity of the specialized treatment and risk management committee and the company’s actuary.
The CEO of Razi Insurance continued: In 1402, an independent claims collection department was established in Razi Insurance Company, which had a significant impact on the process of claims collection, and all the company’s elements in the headquarters and branches should pay special attention to the issue of claims collection.
He clarified: In the current situation, the collection of claims and production insurance premiums is the main force of the company in the field of investment and responding to the company’s obligations.
Referring to the highly competitive atmosphere in the provinces, Jabari considered the performance of provincial branch managers to be commendable and stated: The performance of provincial branch managers of Razi Insurance deserves praise and thanks, and according to the index of budget realization (excluding tertiary insurance and medical care) of the branches Kashan, Markazi and Isfahan have recorded a very good performance, while Kashan, Isfahan, Mashhad, Arak, Iranmal and Kerman branches have achieved a special position in the index of achieving the total goal and the communicated plan.
The member of the board of directors of Bimah Razi announced the 1403 goals in accordance with five strategic rotations, 15 fundamental goals and 20 strategies and reminded: in the formulation of the 1403 plan, all components of the organization will participate and each component as an independent and complementary unit. Another part of the organization will be looked at.
He announced the extension of the company’s big contracts for the next year and said: The basis of Razi Insurance Company’s activity is cooperation and teamwork, and many of the company’s big contracts have been extended with the help of a team consisting of technical and non-technical units.
Jabari further stated: One of the most important goals of the company next year is the balance between production insurance premiums of small and large insurances, which is one of the ways to achieve the small portfolios of the insurance industry by providing suitable services to the subgroups of large insurers.
According to the last days of 1402, this member of the board of directors of Razi Insurance considered the main need of the insurance market to hold sales festivals in the field of fire, accident and car body insurance policies.